External Configuration

You can load not only data but also DataTable configuration from an external file or the server side.

Providing Configuration as Part of Data

Configuration from a JSON file

To load both data and configuration from JSON file, initialize DataTable as shown below:

    url:"data/data-config.json" //path to a json file. See the file contents below

The data-config.json file should have the following contents:

'data-config.json' file

            { "id":"title", "header":"Film title", "width":200},
            { "id":"year", "header":"Released", "width":80},
            { "id":"votes", "header":"Votes", "width":100}
        {"id":"1", "title":"The Shawshank Redemption", "year":"1994", "votes":"678790"},
        {"id":"2", "title":"The Godfather", "year":"1972", "votes":"511495"}

Configuration from an XML file

To load both data and configuration from XML file, initialize DataTable as shown below:

    url:"data/data-config.xml"// path to an XML file. See the file content below

The specified data-config.xml should have the following structure:

'data-config.xml' file

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
            <column ID="title"   header="Film title"  width="200"></column>
            <column ID="year"     header="Released"    width="80"></column>
            <column ID="votes"    header="Votes"       width="100"></column>
    <item id='1' title='The Shawshank Redemption' year='1994' votes='678790'></item>
    <item id='2' title='The Godfather'            year='1972' votes='511495'></item>

Related sample:  Loading Configuration from External URL

Loading Configuration from a Separate File

Configuring from the server side

To load DataTable configuration from the server side, initialize DataTable as shown below:

    var config = data.json();
        data: [
            { id:1, title:"The Shawshank Redemption", year:1994,  votes:678790},
            { id:2, title:"The Godfather",            year:1972,  votes:511495}

The specified config.json file should have the following structure:

'config.json' file

    { "id":"title", "header":"Film title",  "width":200},
    { "id":"year",  "header":"Released",   "width":80},
    { "id":"votes", "header":"Votes",       "width":100}

Configuring and populating from the server side

To load both data and configuration from the server side, initialize DataTable as shown below:

    var obj = data.json();

The specified data-config.json file should have the following structure:

'data-config.json' file

        { "id":"title", "header":"Film title", "width":200},
        { "id":"year", "header":"Released", "width":80},
        { "id":"votes", "header":"Votes", "width":100}
        {"id":"1", "title":"The Shawshank Redemption", "year":"1994", "votes":"678790"},
        {"id":"2", "title":"The Godfather", "year":"1972", "votes":"511495"}

Related sample:  Loading Configuration from Server Side

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