
the current scale value

string|number scale;


// set scale
$$("pdfviewer").define("scale", "page-width");
// rerenders the specified page in the viewer

Default value:


The available types of the string value are:

  • "page-actual" - the page scale is equal to 100%
  • "page-width" - the page size is extended to the width of the view
  • "page-height" - the page size is extended to the height of the view
  • "page-fit" - the page size is adjusted to the size of the view area, width or height
  • "auto" - the page size is automatically adjusted to the size of the view area

String values will be automatically calculated into numeric values.

Number values can be specified as follows:

  • integer number: 1 is equal to 100%
  • float number: 0.5 is equal to 50%
See also
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