
$customScroll shows if custom scroll is running
cdn returns Webix CDN location
fastClick returns true if there is a delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click event on mobile browsers
https returns true if the protocol of the page is https and false, if it's http
isAndroid a read-only boolean indicating whether the current operating system is Android
isChromium a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser is Google Chrome or any chromium-based browser.
isEdge a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser is Microsoft Edge Legacy
isFF a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser is Firefox
isIE a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser is Internet Explorer
isIOS a read-only boolean indicating whether the current operating system is iOS
isMac a read-only boolean indicating whether the current operating system is macOS
isSafari a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser is Safari
maxHTMLElementSize the maximum width/height of an HTML element that can be created by Webix
mobile a read-only boolean indicating whether a mobile device is used
mouse set of mouse-specific properties
passiveEventListeners if true, the current browser distinquishes between passive and non-passive event listeners
printMargin sets the margin for printed pages in pixels
printPPI sets default pixel per inch (ppi) ratio for printing
printSizes possible page sizes for printing
scrollSize returns the width of the scroll bar
strict a read-only boolean flag indicating whether a strict mode is enabled for Webix library
svg a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser supports SVG
svganimation a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser supports SVG CSS animation
touch indicates whether the current browser supports touch-actions
transform a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser supports CSS Transforms
transition a read-only boolean indicating whether the current browser supports CSS Transitions
transitionDuration the name of the browser-specific transition-duration event
transitionEnd the name of the browser-specific transition-end event
translate the name of the translate CSS style. Can be "translate" or "translate3d" (if the second one is supported)
zIndexBase maximum used z-index
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