Using Webix Remote with Node.js

This guide will give you the idea of how you can use Webix Remote for integrating the Webix library with Node.js.

Installation Note

To install Webix Remote, simply run the command below:

npm install webix-remote

Server-Side Code

On the server side you need to include the "webix-remote" module.

Then you should create a server. For this, you need to call the server() method of the remote object:

var remote = require("webix-remote");
var api = remote.server();

After that you will be able to make use of server-side methods.

For example, you can apply setMethod() to register methods on the server side and then refer to them from the client side.

The method takes two parameters:

  • name - (string) the name under which the method/methods will be registered
  • function - (function/object) the method/methods registered under the "name"

Let's apply setMethod to specify the add function that will sum up two numbers.

// registering the "add" function
api.setMethod("add", function(a,b){
   return a,b;

Then you can refer to the registered method from the client side.

Client-Side Code

On the client side you need to include the path to the server-side API after the webix.js file:

<script src='webix.js'></script>
<script src='/api'></script>

To call a server-side method you need to use the webix.remote.methodName call.

Let's send a request to the server and ask the add function to return the sum of some numbers. We will write the result of the operation into the result variable:

var result = webix.remote.add(1,2);
//or using the then() method

Webix Remote loads data asynchronously. The client side will get a promise of data first, while real data will come later. The result in our example is a promise of data. The use of promises allows avoiding delays in the page rendering.

You can also load data in the synchronous way. You just need to use the sync() method:

var result = webix.remote.add(1,2).sync();

Passing Special Parameters

If you need to pass some additional parameters to the server functions, you can use the $req parameter that will contain all the necessary request parameters. For example, the server-side code can be as follows:

api.setMethod("add", function(a,b,$req){
    return a+b+$req.session.userBonus;

The client-side code can look like this:


Besides usual arguments the add function on the client will get a request object with parameters about the current user session.

Setting Static Data

You can specify some static data on the server which will be available on the client. It can be useful while processing user sessions for storing user data and sharing it with the client side, when needed.

To specify static data, you need to use the setData() method and pass two arguments to it:

  • name - (string) the name of parameter that will be set as static
  • handler - (function) the function that will take the request object and return the result

For example, on the server side we set the "$user" parameter. The function specified as the second parameter will get a request object and return the user id:

api.setData("$user", function(req){

You can also pass some value instead of the handler as the second parameter:


In this case the data generation method will be called just once - during the API initialization.

On the client the user data will be available in the following way:

var user = webix.remote.$user;

API Access Levels

Webix Remote provides the possibility to limit access to API according to the user's access level. It means that the user will be able to use this or that method depending on his/her predefined role.

To implement such a limitation, you need to specify the role that allows using the method during the method's creation like this:

api.setMethod("role@method_name", function(){
   // some code

For example, you can limit access to the "add" method by the "admin" role.

api.setMethod("admin@add", function(a,b){
    return a+b;

The access levels are defined by the access modifier specified with the req.session object:

  • all methods for which the access modifier isn't set are allowed by default
  • if req.session.user exists, methods for which the "user" modifier is set are allowed
  • if req.session.user.role exists, methods for which the modifier of a particular role is set are allowed

Let's assume that we have the following rule:

req.session = { user: { role:"admin,levelB"}}

In this case the add function will be allowed for users with the "user", "user.role=admin" and "user.role=levelB" access modifiers. For a user with a different role the method will be unavailable:

api.setMethod("user@add1", (a,b) => a+b ); //allowed
api.setMethod("admin@add2", (a,b) => a+b ); //allowed
api.setMethod("levelC@add3", (a,b) => a+b ); //blocked

Custom Logic for Access Levels

Instead of setting several user verification rules, you can define one access level rule by using the $access parameter. For example:

api.$access = function(req){
    return { 
        user : !!req.user,
        admin: req.user && == 1 

The above code will check whether a user exists and whether he/she possesses the admin role.

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