DataTable CSS

Webix Datatable basic use

CSS class Description
.webix_dtable container with DataTable
.webix_ss_header container with the header
.webix_ss_footer container with the footer
.webix_ss_body container with the table body
.webix_cell a cell of the table
.webix_hcell a cell of the header / footer
.webix_hcolumn a column of the header / footer
.webix_cell.webix_row_select a cell of the selected row
.webix_column a column of the table
.webix_column.webix_first.webix_select_mark the first column of the table (with select border line)
.webix_column.webix_last the last column of the table
.webix_first.webix_last_row the first cell of the header / footer
.webix_last.webix_last_row the last cell of the header / footer
.webix_size_row a border line

Read more about Datatable component.

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