alpha | defines the opacity of chart items |
animate | defines the type of animation, with which the view is shown, if it is a Multiview cell |
animateDuration | sets the time of rendering the area/line of one chart item in dynamic mode |
ariaLabel | sets a screen readable label for Chart |
barOffset | sets the distance between between bars if bars are too wide |
barWidth | the width of bars |
border | enables/disables the bar borders |
borderColor | sets the border color of each item in the graph |
borderWidth | defines the width of the border |
borderless | used to hide the component borders |
cant | defines the slope angle of a 3D pie |
cellWidth | specifies the width of an item cell for a chart in dynamic mode |
color | defines items colors |
container | an HTML container (or its ID) where the component should be initialized |
css | the name of the CSS class or the object with styles that will be applied to the view container |
data | JavaScript array containing data for the component |
datathrottle | sets the polling interval (the time period between the completion of a network request and the next request for data) |
datatype | the type of loaded data |
disableLines | disables graph lines with radar chart |
disabled | indicates whether an item is enabled |
donutInnerText | defines text inside the donut hole |
dynamic | enables the dynamic mode for a chart |
eventRadius | sets the radius (in pixels) of the virtual circle within which the mouse events will fire for chart items |
fill | fills the chart area with the specified background color. |
fixOverflow | chart max limit mode |
gradient | specifies the chart gradient |
gravity | sets the view gravity |
height | sets the height of the component |
hidden | defines whether the view will be hidden initially |
id | the ID of a widget |
item | defines markers that present chart's data items |
keyPressTimeout | a delay between the key press and the action |
label | sets the template for items' labels |
labelOffset | the offset of sector labels from the pie frame |
legend | defines the chart legend |
line | defines chart lines |
lineColor | sets the color for strips dividing the pie sectors |
maxHeight | sets the maximum height for the view |
maxWidth | sets the maximum width for the view |
minHeight | sets the minimal height for the view |
minWidth | sets the minimal width for the view |
mouseEventDelay | the delay between a real mouse action and invoking the related events |
multilevel | enables tree structure for pie and donut charts |
offset | defines whether the first item of the scale will be drawn with the offset equal to the half of the scale's step (relative to the origin of the chart) or not. |
on | allows attaching custom handlers to inner events of the component |
onClick | attaches a click handler for component parts with the specified CSS class |
onContext | a property used to define custom context-click (right click) handlers for elements in the DataTable cells
onDblClick | attaches a dblclick behavior for component items with the specified CSS class. |
onMouseMove | attaches a mousemove behavior for component items with the specified CSS class. |
origin | sets the scale origin |
padding | sets paddings of the chart content |
pieHeight | the height of the 3d pie |
pieInnerText | sets the template for the pie inner labels |
preset | applies the predefined chart configuration object with the specified name |
radius | the radius of the bar's rounding |
ready | the event handler is called just after the component has been completely initialized |
removeMissed | defines how to treat items in case of reloading |
save | defines URLs for data saving |
scale | type of chart scale, logarithic or plain |
scheme | defines schemes for data processing |
series | defines graphs presented on the chart |
shadow | enables/disables the pie shadow |
tooltip | sets a popup message next to the item when the cursor points to it |
type | sets the chart type |
url | the URL which the component will use to load data after its initialization |
value | defines values for the vertical axis |
width | sets the width of a widget |
x | the horizontal position of the pie center |
xAxis | defines the horizontal axis |
xValue | a property of the dataset that defines values for the horizontal axis |
y | the vertical position of the pie center |
yAxis | defines the vertical axis |
yValue | a property of the dataset that defines values for the vertical axis. |