ui.filemanager | a widget for displaying file system data | |
ui.docmanager | a widget for working with documents | |
ui.usermanager | a widget for managing user access rights | |
ui.spreadsheet | a widget for creating tables with extended functionality | |
ui.kanban | a widget for displaying tasks and workflow | |
ui.query | a widget for advanced data filtering | |
ui.chat | a widget for real-time communication | |
ui.scheduler | a widget for time management and scheduling | |
ui.gantt | a widget for task management | |
ui.reports | a widget for report management | |
ui.diagram | a widget for building diagrams | |
ui.diagram-editor | a tool for designing diagrams via UI | |
ui.pivot | a tool for aggregating and visualizing large numeric data volumes | |
ui.desktop | a widget for remote desktops | |
ui.todo | a widget for organizing tasks |
ui.comments | a widget that allows adding user comments into an app | |
ui.datatable | an editable table that can easily display huge data sets | |
ui.dataview | a widget for displaying data in a tabular format | |
ui.filter | a widget for filtering data | |
ui.grouplist | a vertical list of items grouped into sections by some category | |
ui.list | a regular list of items | |
ui.property | a structured table of 2 columns that presents 'name:value' pairs for a list of properties | |
ui.tree | a hierarchical structure of nodes | |
ui.treetable | a control for presenting tree in a grid cell | |
ui.unitlist | a vertical list of items united into groups according a template | |
ui.timeline | a widget for visualization data in chronological order |
ui.barcode | a machine-readable representation of data values | |
ui.bullet | a compact chart variation for displaying value comparison | |
ui.chart | a tool for creating various charts | |
ui.excelviewer | a tool for viewing Excel files | |
ui.gage | a gage widget with a dial to visualize data updates | |
ui.geochart | a datastore-based widget for displaying info about countries | |
ui.google-map | a datastore-based widget for rendering geographical data with Google Maps | |
ui.iframe | a view with the IFRAME element inside it | |
ui.pdfviewer | a tool for viewing PDF files | |
ui.rangechart | a chart for detailed displaying of data contained a frame | |
ui.template | a view with some HTML content inside | |
ui.treemap | a hierarchical structure of nodes | |
ui.video | a video player component |
ui.abslayout | layout for specifying exact location of elements | |
ui.accordion | a container control that presents multiple horizontal or vertical panes | |
ui.accordionitem | a singular pane of the accordion component | |
ui.align | wrapper for aligning other views | |
ui.carousel | a container widget for navigation through a set of blocks with pictorial content | |
ui.dashboard | a gridlayout-based widget for building flexible structures of applications | |
ui.datalayout | layout for building complex data structures and working with their data | |
ui.form | a form that supports an extended set of elements | |
ui.gridlayout | grid-based layout that allows users putting elements into columns or rows defined via grid cells | |
ui.headerlayout | a horizontal or vertical layout with the header(s) | |
ui.htmlform | a control for integration with an HTML form | |
ui.layout | a vertical or horizontal layout without the headers | |
ui.multiview | a container control that keeps a set of views and displays one view at a time | |
ui.panel | a singular pane of the Dashboard widget | |
ui.portlet | a vertical or horizontal layout component that can contain other components | |
ui.proxy | view that serves as a wrapper for other views | |
ui.resizer | a draggable border in layout | |
ui.scrollview | a container with scrolls | |
ui.spacer | a bordeless empty view | |
ui.tabview | a container control with a navigation tab panel that keeps a set of views and displays one view at a time |
ui.contextmenu | a context menu | |
ui.hint | a tool to provide users with hints on the usage of an app or a website | |
ui.menu | a menu of individually selectable items | |
ui.sidebar | a Tree-based widget for creating menus with hierarchical structure | |
ui.sidemenu | a side panel menu | |
ui.submenu | a sub-menu | |
ui.toolbar | a horizontal toolbar |
ui.context | a pop-up window displayed on firing the 'contextMenu' event (mouse right-clicks) | |
ui.popup | a static popup window | |
ui.tooltip | a static text that is rendered in the absolutely positioned container | |
ui.window | a movable popup window |
ui.button | a clickable button | |
ui.calendar | a single-month calendar that allows users to select dates and move to the next/previous month | |
ui.checkbox | a two-state check box | |
ui.checksuggest | control with a multiple-choice list | |
ui.colorboard | a color palette | |
ui.colorpicker | a control for selecting a color from a swatch palette | |
ui.colorselect | a control for selecting an arbitrary color | |
ui.combo | an editable combo box | |
ui.counter | a spin box, aka an up-down control | |
ui.datasuggest | a dataview-based suggest control | |
ui.datepicker | a control that allows the user to select a date | |
ui.daterange | a widget for selecting a date range | |
ui.daterangepicker | a control that allows the user to select a date range | |
ui.daterangesuggest | a daterange-based suggest control | |
ui.dbllist | a double list that provides rich selection possibilities | |
ui.fieldset | a wrapper which renders an HTML fieldset | |
ui.forminput | a wrapper which allows rendering widgets as form controls | |
ui.gridsuggest | a datatable-based suggest control | |
ui.icon | a static picture of an icon | |
ui.label | a non-editable text control | |
ui.mentionsuggest | a suggest control with mentioning functionality | |
ui.multicombo | a multi-combo control | |
ui.multiselect | a multi-select control | |
ui.multitext | a multi-text control | |
ui.pager | page navigation controls | |
ui.radio | a radio button | |
ui.rangeslider | a slider for selecting a range of numeric values | |
ui.richselect | a non-editable combo box | |
ui.richtext | a rich text editor widget for entering and editing text | |
ui.search | a text edit field with the search icon in front | |
ui.segmented | a holistic panel that contains multiple buttons (two or more) | |
ui.select | a single-selection drop-down list box | |
ui.slider | a slider for selecting numeric values | |
ui.suggest | a suggest control | |
ui.switch | a slider mixin of the Toggle button and Checkbox | |
ui.tabbar | a panel that contains multiple clickable items | |
ui.text | an one-line, editable text field with the label inside it | |
ui.textarea | a multiline, editable text field | |
ui.texthighlight | a text input that supports highlighting of text | |
ui.timeboard | a timepicker with sliders and inputs | |
ui.toggle | a two-state button | |
ui.uploader | a control for uploading multiple files |
common helpers | helpers implemented in webix. and webix.ui |
ajax | ajax operations (data loading, server side events) |
clipbuffer | interface for clipboard |
color | color transformation helpers |
csv | csv serialization and parsing |
editors | set of editing tools |
env | set of flags which describes current environment |
fullscreen | allows switching any UI element to the full screen mode |
html | set of html|dom helpers |
i18n | internationalization, number and date formatting methods |
promise | interface for working with promise objects |
rules | validation rules |
filters | set of filtering rules |
storage.cookie | interface for storing data in cookies |
storage.local | interface for storing data in local storage |
storage.session | interface for storing data in session storage |
Mixins | building blocks for existing and new components |