UI Integration Extensions

Except for the main line of UI components, the library provides a number of helpful integration extensions to simplify your development. Most of the extensions are task-oriented and intended to accomplish a certain purpose. They are already quite configurable and need only initializing on the page to start serving.

If you want to implement a custom integration for your project, check the article DIY - Custom Integration Pattern.


An integration extension that allows you to add third-party web maps to the app: Google Maps, Yandex Maps, Here Maps, OpenStreet Maps.


An integration extension that allows you to add third-party charts to the app: Raphael, D3, JustGage, SigmaJS, FusionCharts.

Text Editor

An integration extension that allows you to add third-party editors to the app: Ace,TinyMCE, Code Mirror, NicEdit, CKEditor.

Graphic Tools

An integration extension that allows you to add third-party graphic tools to the app: Konva, Paper.

Scheduler and Gantt Chart

An integration extension that allows you to add a third-party event calendar and a third-party gantt chart to the app: dhtmlxScheduler and dhtmlxGantt of the DHTMLX library.
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