
API Reference


DataTable is a JavaScript component that provides professional look-and-feel and convenient programming model for displaying data in a scrollable and sortable table. It is a powerful yet easy-to-use component that supports different data sources (XML, JSON, CSV, JSArray, HTML tables). Datatable has various possibilities (filtering, sorting, pagination, resizing, styling, copying etc.) and is still very good and fast at handling thousands of records. Read more...



Teaches you how to define the common structure and content of DataTable: columns, headers, dimensions and data inside it.

Operations with Data

Discusses operations you can perform on the data in DataTable: filtering and sorting techniques, inline editing, work with the clipboard, etc.

Look and Feel

Focuses on how to fine-tune the DataTable appearance: applying templates to the data, 'freezing' columns and rows, redefining the default component CSS classes, etc.


Says about server-side solutions you can integrate DataTable with.


Describes the formats and procedures you've got to import/export the DataTable data.
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