
Since 4.0

The widget requires Webix Pro edition and can be purchased as part of any license pack.

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Webix SpreadSheet is a powerful component for creating tables and performing various operations on their data and appearance.

Webix SpreadSheet represents a web tool for making tables online and keeping all the data locally. Thus, all the information in your reports and accounts will be kept secure and always at hand.

The ready-made document can be exported into an Excel file, and you can import an Excel document into SpreadSheet as well.

The component includes all the necessary functionality for handy work with data presented in the tabular form. You can edit and format the content of cells, resize cells, apply diverse styles, fonts and types of borders, align text and merge cells in rows and columns. Mathematical functions are also included. The component can be localized according to the rules of various languages.


Configuring SpreadSheet

Discusses the main points of SpreadSheet initialization and configuration.

Working with SpreadSheet

Describes possible operations with SpreadSheet and its elements.

Look and Feel of SpreadSheet

Tells about the possibilities of customizing the SpreadSheet appearance.

Export and Import

Dwells on available options you've got for importing and exporting SpreadSheet data.

Supplementary Resources

Contains additional information you may need while working with SpreadSheet.
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