The toolbar contains a panel with instruments for editing and formatting the content of the table's cells.
The structure of toolbar can be presented as:
There are two display modes of a toolbar: the "default" short one and the "full" one. In the default mode, the toolbar is shown with a limited set of buttons.
To show all available buttons on the toolbar, you should set the toolbar property to the "full" value:
data: base_data,
toolbar: "full"
Related sample: Toolbar with all buttons
To refer to the toolbar object, first you need to specify the id of a toolbar in the toolbar configuration.
var bar = {
view: "toolbar",
css: "webix_ssheet_toolbar webix_layout_toolbar",
id: "bar",
elements: [{...}]
Then you can address the toolbar via its id.
Settings for the default toolbar are specified in the buttons configuration object. It contains the names of button blocks as parameters. The parameters' values are arrays of buttons that are included into the blocks.
buttons: {
"undo": ["undo","redo"],
"font": ["font-family","font-size","font-weight","font-style",
"align": ["text-align","vertical-align","wrap","span"],
"format": ["format"]
The names of button blocks correspond to the properties defined in the localization files, which specify the language of its labels.
The Toolbar's specificity is that it can include only one row of buttons. However, there is also a way to customize the Toolbar so that it would have a multi-row structure. In this case the "toolbar" collection should be used. It allows specifying the width and height of buttons, setting margins and paddings and setting separators between the blocks of buttons.
The key points of the custom toolbar are the following:
toolbar: [
margin: 2,
cols: [
{$button: "undo"},
{$button: "redo"}
{template: "Undo/Redo", view: "ssheet-bar-title", height: 24}
{view: "ssheet-separator"},
margin: 2,
{$button: "font-family", width: 167},
{$button: "font-size", width: 90}
Related sample: Custom toolbar
The full code for all toolbar elements is given in a separate article.
This section provides a detailed description of each block of buttons, their names and their purposes.
view: "spreadsheet",
data: base_data,
toolbar: [
rows: [
margin: 2,
cols: [
name: "sheet",
view: "ssheet-button-icon-top",
label: "Sheets",
arrow: true,
options: [
{ id: "new-sheet" },
{ id: "copy-sheet" },
{ id: "remove-sheet" },
{ id: "hide-sheet"}
rows: [{ $button: "excel-import" }, { $button: "excel-export" }],
rows: [{ $button: "print" }, {$button: "print-borders"}],
It includes the "sheet" select, which allows working with a sheet and contains four options:
and four buttons:
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
rows: [
{ $button: "undo", view: "ssheet-button", label: "Undo", width: 80 },
{ $button: "redo", view: "ssheet-button", label: "Redo", width: 80 },
It includes two buttons:
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
rows: [
margin: 2,
cols: [
margin: 2,
cols: [
$button: "font-family",
width: ($active.inputHeight + 2) * 4 + 6,
{ $button: "font-size" },
{ $button: "borders" },
margin: 2,
cols: [
margin: 2,
cols: [
{ $button: "font-weight" },
{ $button: "font-style" },
{ $button: "underline" },
{ $button: "strike" }
{ $button: "background" },
{ $button: "color" },
This block contains a large group of buttons for setting fonts and cell borders:
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
rows: [
margin: 2,
cols: [{ $button: "text-align" },
{ $button: "span" },
{$button: "increase-indent"}],
margin: 2,
cols: [{ $button: "vertical-align" },
{ $button: "wrap" },
{$button: "decrease-indent"}],
Beside managing Horizontal and Vertical cell alignment, this block also includes means of text wrapping, indenting text in a cell to the left or to the right, merging cells' content:
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
rows: [
{ $button: "format" },
margin: 2,
cols: [
{ $button: "increase-decimals" },
{ $button: "decrease-decimals" },
This block contains the "format" select, which sets the format of cell content. The available formats are:
Besides, it includes a pair of buttons "increase-decimals" and "decrease-decimals" which allow increase/decrease the number of decimal places.
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
padding: 3,
rows: [
cols: [
{ $button: "sort-asc" },
{ $button: "create-filter" },
{ $button: "conditional-format" },
{ $button: "add-link" },
{ $button: "clear" },
cols: [
{ $button: "sort-desc" },
{ $button: "add-range" },
{ $button: "lock-cell" },
{ $button: "add-dropdown" },
The block includes a set of buttons for editing the cell's content:
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
padding: 3,
rows: [
cols: [
$button: "image",
view: "ssheet-button",
label: "Image",
width: 110,
$button: "add-comment",
view: "ssheet-button",
label: "Comment",
width: 110,
{ $button: "graph", view: "ssheet-button", label: "Graph", width: 110 },
view: "spreadsheet",
toolbar: [
padding: 3,
The SpreadSheet toolbar contains blocks of buttons grouped according to their functionality. The arrangement of button blocks in the toolbar is specified in the "buttons" collection.
In case you want to remove some block or button specified in the default configuration, don't define them in the buttons object.
Buttons object contains a hash of data, where the key is the name of a block of buttons and the value is an array of button names.
There are four blocks of buttons on the toolbar by default:
buttons: {
"undo": ["undo","redo"],
"font": ["font-family","font-size","font-weight","font-style",
"align": ["text-align","vertical-align","wrap","span"],
"format": ["format"]
You can add a new block with or without a name. To hide the name of the block, begin the name with a dollar sign.
You can specify the title of the buttons block in the Spreadsheet locale.
To define a preset button in the toolbar, you only need to state its name.
To add a new text button, you need to put an object with the configuration of the button (including its name) into the corresponding block set in the buttons property:
buttons: {
"undo": ["undo","redo"],
"My Block": [
{ view: "button", name: "a", width: 40, label: "New button" },
For icon buttons in SpreadSheet we recommend to define the following settings in order to fit the general SpreadSheet appearance:
For example, you can specify icon buttons in the following way:
buttons: {
"undo": ["undo","redo"],
"Insert": [
view: "button", name: "insert-image", width: 40,
label: "<span class='webix_ssheet_button_icon icon_image'></span>",
tooltip: "Insert image", click: insertImage
If the number of buttons you want to show exceeds the Toolbar's width, you can group them. For this purpose, add an icon button and attach a popup to it. This popup will contain all buttons of the group.
Use the code below to create such a structure:
buttons: {
"undo": ["undo","redo"],
"$other": [
view: "button", name: "a", width: 40,
label: "<span class='webix_ssheet_button_icon icon_other'></span>",
tooltip: "Other options", popup: $$("mypopup")
Related sample: Additional buttons
In case you use a custom skin for SpreadSheet, you need to specify the default styles for Toolbar buttons to render their values correctly. It means, you should use the copy of your custom styles from the CSS file while creating a skin. For example:[skin_name].spreadsheet = {
"color": "#666666",
"background" : "#ffffff",
"font-family": "'PT Sans', Tahoma",
"font-size": "15",
"text-align": "left",
"vertical-align": "middle",
"white-space": "nowrap"
To create a popup with icons, use the datasuggest view and put the "ssheet-icons" view in its body:
id: "mypopup",
view: "datasuggest",
view: "ssheet-icons",
tooltip: {
template: "#title#"
data: [
{id: "insert_image", css: "bar_chart", title: "Bar"},
{id: "insert_chart", css: "line_chart", title: "Line"},
{id: "insert_column", css: "pie_chart", title: "Pie"}
The "ssheet-icons" is a Dataview-based view. So, you can set the layout for icons using the xCount and yCount properties of DataView.
The css property in data items defines the CSS rule where you can define the background image:
background: url("images/bar-chart.svg");
Related sample: Icon buttons in popup
The style of icons used in popups should be consistent with the rest of the icons in the toolbar. To achieve this, follow the tips below:
A popup can be attached to a button with the help of the popup property. You need just to set this property in the configuration of the button.
buttons: {
"$other": [
{ view: "button", popup: $$("mypopup"),...}
It's also possible to call the show() method and pass the DOM element of a button to show the popup, like this:
Related sample: Additional buttons
To create a list popup, use the “ssheet-suggest” view. This view is based on the ContextMenu view. Therefore, it supports sub-popups and line separators:
id: "mypopup",
view: "ssheet-suggest",
template: "<span class='webix_ssheet_button_icon #icon#'></span> #value#",
{ id: "insert_image", icon: "image", value: "Insert image"},
{ id: "insert_chart", icon: "chart", value: "Insert chart"},
{ $template: "Separator" },
{ id: "insert_column", icon: "column", value: "Insert column"},
{ id: "insert_row", icon: "row", value: "Insert row"}
You can also create a form popup and attach it to a Spreadsheet button.
Follow the tips below to set form controls inside of the popup properly:
To apply correct borders for all controls in this popup, you can use the “ssheet-form-popup” view instead of “popup” and the "ssheet-form-suggest" one for the control's suggests:
id: "mypopup",
view: "ssheet-form-popup",
body: {
view: "form",
borderless: true,
{view: "text", placeholder: "Name",...},
{view: "richselect", label: "Type", placeholder: "Select", suggest:{
view: "ssheet-form-suggest",
{view: "ssheet-colorpicker", label: "Color"}
Related sample: Popup with Form
Form controls in a SpreadSheet dialog follow the same rules as popup controls do. We recommend to use the "ssheet-dialog" view to create a dialog instead of the window one.
The "ssheet-dialog" view applies styling for the header and adds three buttons: the Close icon at the top and two buttons (Cancel and Save) at the bottom.
To define the title of the dialog, use the head property.
id: "mydialog",
view: "ssheet-dialog",
head: "Editor",
body: {
view: "form",
The background of this icon is defined by the “webix_ssheet_hide_icon” CSS.
background: url("images/edit.svg");
The dialog fires the onHideClick event on the icon click:
onHideClick: function(){
// click happened
The Cancel and Save buttons are added for dialogs automatically. Set the buttons property to false, if you don’t want to show them:
view: "ssheet-dialog",
buttons: false,
The buttons' titles are specified in the SpreadSheet locale:
webix.i18n.spreadsheet.labels.cancel = "Cancel"; = "Save";
The dialog fires the following events on a button click: onCancelClick and onSaveClick.
Besides form controls you can add any views into the dialog, e.g. a datatable. In this case we recommend you to choose the "ssheet-dialog-table" view to apply the appropriate styling.
id: "mydialog",
view: "ssheet-dialog",
head: "Editor",
body: {
view: "ssheet-dialog-table", autowidth: true, autoheight:1,autoConfig:true,
{id: 1, name: "Range1", range: "A3:C8"},
{id: 2, name: "Range2", range: "D3:F8"}
view: "form",
Related sample: DataTable in Dialog
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