Paging with Datatable

DataTable supports paging over the items in the data source. You enable and configure paging through the pager parameter.

Paging doesn't depend on the way you load data into DataTable: static or dynamic, an external data file or a database table. In the most common case of data being dynamically loaded from a URL, Webix will make requests to that URL with extra query parameters specifying which records to load.

Datatable can display direction controls (that provide forward and backward navigation) as well as numeric controls that allow the user to move to a specific page. Generally, you should just specify the pager parameter with the required attributes.

Basic pager configuration

        size:100, // the number of records per page
        group:5   // the number of buttons in the pager

Related sample:  Static Paging. Loading from an External Data File

You can read more about pagination in Webix tutorials.

Pager Controls

If you set the pager parameter, DataTable automatically adds controls for page navigation. You can customize those controls by specifying a certain template for them.

The template is set by the template attribute of the pager parameter and can contain the following values:

  • {common.first()} - the button to move to the first page
  • {common.prev()} - the button to move to the previous page
  • {} - the button to move to the next page
  • {common.last()} - the button to move to the last page
  • {common.pages()} - number buttons to move to a specific page.

Depending on what you want to display on the paging area, add the related items to your template.

Using templates in pager

        template:"{common.prev()} {common.pages()} {}",

Related sample:  Using Templates for Pagers

Generally, using the mentioned values, you can set the following combinations for DataTable:

  • Numeric (default)
  • Next/Previous
  • Next/Previous/First/Last
  • Numeric/First/Last
  • Numeric/Next/Previous/First/Last

The first combination is set by default. Others can be achieved with the help of templates (see the table below).

Table 1 Pager controls combinations
Mode Image Related template
Numeric default mode, doesn't require specifying a separate template
Next/Previous template:" {common.prev()} {} "
First/Previous/Next/Last template:" {common.first()} {common.prev()} {} {common.last()}"
Numeric/First/Last template:" {common.prev()} {common.pages()} {}"
Numeric/Next/Previous/First/Last template:" {common.first()} {common.prev()} {common.pages()} {} {common.last()}"

Customizing Pager Labels

You can set some text instead of arrows for the Next, Previous, First and Last buttons.

Specifying custom labels for pager controls

webix.locale.pager = {
    first: "First", // the first button
    last: "Last", // the last button
    next: "Next", // the next button
    prev: "Prev"  // the previous button
        template:`{common.first()} {common.prev()} {common.pages()}
            {} {common.last()}`,

It's not obligatory to redefine all the mentioned buttons at once, you can redefine just a part of them. In this case, webix.locale.pager will contain just the required buttons.

Related sample:  Pager Localization

The Size of a Page

The size of a page is a number of items to display at once on a page. This number is set by the size attribute:

Setting the number of records on a page

    size:100,  // the number of records on a page

Multiple Pagers on a Page

Several pagers can be on one and the same page.

To add an additional pager to a page you should call method clone() and set there configuration of your new pager using the same attributes you use while defining the pager parameter:

Specifying 2 pagers on a page


Related sample:  Defining Several Pagers on a Page

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