A movable layout component that can contain other components inside.
Portlet can include any content and be dragged to any position. It allows placing several components on the page at once.
Check portlet documentation for more detailed description.
var portlet = webix.ui({
{ view:"portlet", body:{template:"row 1"}, id:"p1"},
{ view:"portlet", body:{template:"row 2"}, id:"p2"},
{ view:"portlet", body:{template:"row 3"}, id:"p3"}
Where to start
addView | adds a new view to a layout-like widget or moves an existing one |
adjust | adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of the component |
bind | binds components |
blockEvent | temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
define | redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties) |
destructor | destructs the calling object |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method) |
disable | disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable) |
enable | enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method |
getChildViews | returns child views of the calling component |
getFormView | returns master form for the input |
getNode | returns the main HTML container for the calling object |
getParentView | returns the parent view of the component |
getTopParentView | returns the top parent view |
hasEvent | checks whether the component has the specified event handler |
hide | hides the view |
index | returns the cell index in the layout collection |
isEnabled | checks whether the view is enabled |
isVisible | checks whether the view is visible |
mapEvent | routes events from one object to another |
markDropArea | renders marker on the area where a portlet can be dropped during drag-n-drop |
movePortlet | moves portlet to the marked area |
queryView | returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters |
reconstruct | rebuilds the layout |
removeView | removes the specified view of a layout-like component |
resize | adjusts the view to a new size |
resizeChildren | resizes all children of the called component |
restore | restores the saved state of a layout |
serialize | serializes the current layout state to a JSON object |
show | makes the component visible |
showBatch | makes visible those elements, the parameter 'batch' of which is set to the specified name |
unbind | breaks "bind" link |
unblockEvent | cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command |
animate | defines the type of animation, with which the view is shown, if it is a Multiview cell |
body | defines the portlet content (a view or some HTML) |
borderless | used to hide the component borders |
cols | array of views objects arranged horizontally |
container | an HTML container (or its ID) where the component should be initialized |
css | the name of the CSS class or the object with styles that will be applied to the view container |
disabled | indicates whether an item is enabled |
gravity | sets the view gravity |
height | sets the height of the component |
hidden | defines whether the view will be hidden initially |
icon | defines whether an icon will be displayed |
id | the ID of a widget |
isolate | masks IDs of all inner elements |
layoutType | defines the borders of layout that will be created after drag-n-drop operation is finished |
margin | defines the space around elements (applies the specified value to all elements) |
maxHeight | sets the maximum height for the view |
maxWidth | sets the maximum width for the view |
minHeight | sets the minimal height for the view |
minWidth | sets the minimal width for the view |
mode | defines the mode of moving portlets |
on | allows attaching custom handlers to inner events of the component |
padding | defines the space between the element borders and content (applies the specified value to all sides). |
paddingX | sets the right and left padding (applies the specified value to both sides) |
paddingY | sets the top and bottom padding (applies the specified value to both sides) |
responsive | enables responsive mode for horizontal layout |
rows | array of views objects arranged vertically |
type | defines the layout borders |
visibleBatch | sets the batch that will be shown initially |
width | sets the width of a widget |
$drag | the method is called when a drag operation is initiated |
$getSize | returns the current size of the component |
$height | the current height of the view |
$setNode | defines HTML element for the component |
$setSize | sets the component size |
$skin | the method which will be called when skin is defined |
$view | reference to the top HTML element of the view |
$width | the current width of the view |
config | all options from the initial component configuration |
name | indicates the name of the component (a read-only property) |
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