
Since 8.0

A modern tool for time-management and scheduling.

Webix Scheduler allows users create and edit single or recurring events, add them to particular group events called calendars and get the full information of the scheduled events in various display modes.


  url: "https://docs.webix.com/calendar-backend/"

Where to start

adjust adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container
app sets the Jet App class for the widget
attachEvent attaches the handler to an inner event of the component
blockEvent temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object
callEvent calls an inner event
clearAll clears all inner collections
define redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties)
destructor destructs the calling object
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method)
disable disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable)
enable enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method
getChildViews returns child views of the calling component
getFormView returns master form for the input
getNode returns the main HTML container for the calling object
getParentView returns the parent view of the component
getService returns a service available for Chat
getState returns the reactive state object of Scheduler
getTopParentView returns the top parent view
hasEvent checks whether the component has the specified event handler
hide hides the view
isEnabled checks whether the view is enabled
isVisible checks whether the view is visible
mapEvent routes events from one object to another
queryView returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters
resize adjusts the view to a new size
show makes the component visible
unblockEvent cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command
onAfterScroll occurs when some webix view has been scrolled
onBeforeEventDrag fires before an event is being dragged
onBeforeEventDrop fires before an event is dropped
onBlur fires when focus is moved out of the view
onChange fires when the current date is changed
onDestruct occurs when component destroyed
onEnter fires when the Enter key has been pressed
onFocus fires when a view gets focus
onInit fires on view initialization
onLongTouch fires on holding finger in some position for a certain period of time
onSwipeX occurs on a horizontal swipe movement
onSwipeY occurs on a vertical swipe movement
onTouchEnd occurs when the touch event is ended
onTouchMove occurs during touch movement
onTouchStart fires when some webix view has been touched
onViewResize fires when the size of a view has been changed by resizer
onViewShow fires when any hidden view is shown
animate defines the type of animation, with which the view is shown, if it is a Multiview cell
borderless used to hide the component borders
calendars toggles the ability to add events to calendars
compact toggles the compact mode of Scheduler
compactWidth sets the width for the widget to switch to the compact mode
container an HTML container (or its ID) where the component should be initialized
copypaste enables/disables the ability to copy, cut and paste events
css the name of the CSS class or the object with styles that will be applied to the view container
date initial date to display
dimPastEvents toggles the brightness of the colors of past events
disabled indicates whether an item is enabled
dragCreate enables/disables the ability to add events via drag-and-drop
dynamic enables loading events by chunks during navigation
gravity sets the view gravity
height sets the height of the component
hidden defines whether the view will be hidden initially
id the ID of a widget
locale sets object with locale structure
maxHeight sets the maximum height for the view
maxWidth sets the maximum width for the view
minHeight sets the minimal height for the view
minWidth sets the minimal width for the view
mode sets the currently active mode/tab
on allows attaching custom handlers to inner events of the component
override used to override default classes with new ones
readonly toggles calendar and event editing
recurring toggles the recurring events
serverUTC allows loading and saving dates in UTC format
timeline allows working with the Timeline view
timelineMode sets mode for the Timeline view
units allows displaying day events grouped by categories
url the URL for loading data
width sets the width of a widget
$app returns Jet App instance of the widget
$exportView returns a data collection to export
$getSize returns the current size of the component
$height the current height of the view
$scope scope for resolving event and method names
$setNode defines HTML element for the component
$setSize sets the component size
$skin the method which will be called when skin is defined
$view reference to the top HTML element of the view
$width the current width of the view
config all options from the initial component configuration
name indicates the name of the component (a read-only property)
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