
onAfterScroll occurs when some webix view has been scrolled
onBeforeShow fires right after show() method is called for the window (popup) and before the window is shown
onBindRequest fires when the component is ready to receive data from the master component
onBlur fires when focus is moved out of the view
onDestruct occurs when component destroyed
onEnter fires when the Enter key has been pressed
onFocus fires when a view gets focus
onHide fires when window is hidden
onKeyPress occurs when keyboard key is pressed for the control in focus
onLongTouch fires on holding finger in some position for a certain period of time
onShow fires when window is shown
onSwipeX occurs on a horizontal swipe movement
onSwipeY occurs on a vertical swipe movement
onTabFocus fires after a tab focus has been changed
onTimedKeyPress fires after typing has been finished in the field
onTouchEnd occurs when the touch event is ended
onTouchMove occurs during touch movement
onTouchStart fires when some webix view has been touched
onViewMove fires while view is moving
onViewMoveEnd fires when view has stopped moving
onViewResize fires on resizing a view
onViewShow fires when any hidden view is shown
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