
onAfterAdd fires after adding an item to the datastore
onAfterContextMenu fires after the context menu was called in the item area
onAfterDelete fires after an item is removed
onAfterLoad fires after data loading is complete
onAfterRender occurs immediately after the component has been rendered
onAfterScroll fires when to component is scrolled in any direction
onAfterSort fires after sorting dataset
onBeforeAdd fires before adding an item to the datastore
onBeforeContextMenu fires before the context menu is called in the item area
onBeforeDelete fires before an item is removed
onBeforeLoad fires immediately before data loading has started
onBeforeRender occurs immediately before the component has been rendered
onBeforeSort fires before sorting of the dataset
onBindRequest fires when the component is ready to receive data from the master component
onDataRequest fires when data from the server is requested for linear data structures (List, DataTable, DataView etc.) to implement dynamic data loading
onDataUpdate fires when a data item is being updated
onDestruct occurs when component destroyed
onItemClick fires when a component item was clicked
onItemDblClick fires when a component item was double-clicked
onItemRender for each item rendering, occurs only for items with custom templates
onItemSingleClick allows distinguishing between single and double-click events
onLoadError fires when an error occurs during data loading (invalid server side response)
onMouseMove fires when the mouse was moved over the specified component
onMouseMoving fires when the mouse was moved over the component
onMouseOut fires when the mouse was moved out from the specified item
onViewShow fires when any hidden view is shown
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