By default, JSON children are stored in the data property object. XML records (both parents and children) are introduced by an item tag. Any custom tags will do as well, provided that you create a custom data format based on a default one.
Parsing logic for each of the supported data types is stored in the webix.DataDriver object (webix.DataDriver.json, webix.DataDriver.xml, etc.). You can change default tags in two ways:
By default, child items in JSON hierarchical data are stored in data:
Default JSON data with 2 nesting levels
{ id:"1", open:true, value:"The Shawshank Redemption", data:[
{ id:"1.1", value:"Part 1" data:[
{id:"1.1.1", value:"Page 1"},
{id:"1.1.2", value:"Page 2"}
{ id:"1.2", value:"Part 2" }
{ id:"2", value:"The Godfather", data:[
{ id:"2.1", value:"Part 1" }
If child items in your data are stored under some other tag, follow these steps.
1. Declaring the new format:
Create your custom format on the base of the default:
var myjson = webix.DataDriver.myjson = webix.copy(webix.DataDriver.json);
2. Changing tags:
Now you can define static tags for all child collections from your data:
myjson.child = "parts";
If you need different tags for children of different levels, you can define dynamic tags. For example, elements of the first nesting level can be stored in parts, while the second-level ones can be stored in pages.
myjson.child = function(obj){
if (obj.$level == 1)
if (obj.$level == 2)
return obj.pages;
Now a data component will accept the data like these:
{ id:"1", open:true, value:"The Shawshank Redemption", parts:[
{ id:"1.1", value:"Part 1" pages:[
{id:"1.1.1", value:"Page 1"},
{id:"1.1.2", value:"Page 2"}
{ id:"1.2", value:"Part 2" }
{ id:"2", value:"The Godfather", parts:[
{ id:"2.1", value:"Part 1" }
Don't forget to specify the name of the new format as the datatype for your component!
// config
Related sample: Tree: JSON Dataset
Keep in mind that any custom child collection will be converted to "data", while original child fields are removed from the data item during parsing.
Unlike static tags, dynamic custom fields are not removed from data items as the field name varies. If you need to remove them, do it explicitly in the child method:
myjson.child = function(obj) {
var data;
if (obj.$level == 1) {
data =;
if (obj.$level == 2) {
data = obj.pages;
delete obj.pages;
return data;
Default XML Data
<item value='The Shawshank Redemption' open='1'>
<item value='part1'></item>
<item>Page 15</item>
<item>Page 16</item>
<item value='part2'></item>
Declaring the new format:
var myxml = webix.DataDriver.myxml = webix.copy(webix.DataDriver.xml);
Changing tags:
myxml.records = "/*/book";
myxml.child = function(obj){
if (obj.$level == 1)
return obj.part;
if (obj.$level == 2)
//or, if you need the same property for all children
New Dataset:
<book value='The Shawshank Redemption' open='1'>
<part value='part1'>
<page>Page 15</page>
<page>Page 16</page>
<part value='part2'></part>
Don't forget to specify the name of the new format as the datatype for your component!
// config
Related sample: Tree: XML Dataset
The default parsing logic of CSV data can be changed globally:
webix.DataDriver.csv.cell = "\t";
webix.DataDriver.csv.row = "|";
Now, all the components that use "csv" datatype, will be parsed according to new rules.
A custom datatype should be created in case you wish to apply it to one or several components while leaving the global CSV parsing unchanged.
webix.DataDriver.mycsv = webix.extend({
}, webix.DataDriver.csv);
Now, you can use it in component instances:
var grid = webix.ui({
data:'1-The Shawshank Redemption|2-The Godfather'
//or for loading data in that format
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