Dynamic Tabbar

Tabbar can take the following modifications:

  • Tabbar may have non-static tab width and quantity that are both changed dynamically on window resizing
  • Tabs can be pushed to a related popup while retaining their default behavior.

Related sample:  Dynamic Tabbar in Multiview

Everything is done fully automatically: when the size of a window changes, tabs are minimized and then pushed to a popup. So the following code is enough:

Default tabbar

{ view:"tabbar", options:["First tab", "Second Tab"] }



  • The minimal width of each tab is 100px by default. It is common for all the tabs of this tabbar and can be changed with the help of tabMinWidth property
  • The minimal width of an area to the right that triggers a popup is 40px. By default an ellipsis icon is used. Both parameters can be changed:
    • tabMoreWidth sets the width of this area
    • moreTemplate sets other icon/text/HTML of this area. Either function or string can be used;


The width of the popup is 200px by default. It contains 7 items and displays them via the "#value#" template. You can change it by the tabbarPopup property that can include:

  • settings for the popup itself e.g. width and css
  • settings for the inner list within the body object e.g yCount and template.

Customized tabbar

  options: [
    {id:1, value:"First Tab", text:"Some text for first tab"},
    {id:2, value:"Second Tab", text:"Some text for second tab"},
    // other options
  moreTemplate:"Show more", 
    // custom styles for popup
      template: obj => `
        <span webix_tooltip="${obj.value}" class="content">
          Hidden: ${obj.value}
        overflow: true

Related sample:  Tabbar: Custom Popup

More info about Webix data templates can be found in the dedicated documentation article.

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