This article describes the integration with Vue 2 JS framework. To read about Webix+Vue 3, click here.
Webix provides the possibility of integration with Vue JS framework.
The sources for integration of Webix with Vue JS are not included into the Webix library package. You can take them from the GitHub repository
There are two good use-cases, when such kind of integration will be useful:
We advise you against using Vue.js as an MVC framework for developing a Webix-based applications, since there are obvious pitfalls. Webix widgets won't adjust size to Vue layouts and such approach adds too much overhead for not so many benefits.
Instead, we highly recommend you to use the Webix Jet framework for building web apps with Webix, as it is native for the library and will help you to manage the development stages in the most natural way.
To achieve the Vue+Webix integration we provide the following tools:
If it's not enough, you can create a custom component by wrapping a Webix widget into a Vue component.
Pay attention that the discussed integration isn't included into Webix library. To start using it in your project, you need to take the necessary sources from GitHub. Besides, they are available from CDN.
You need to include the link to the Vue source file in the head of your HTML page. We will use the minified JS file for our examples:
<script type="text/javascript"
Then include Webix JS and CSS files, for example from CDN:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
In order to use specific integration features, you also need to include the following source files:
<!--for using a Webix widget in a Vue app-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!--for using a Vue component in a Webix app-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!--for using ready-made Vue+Webix controls-->
<script type="text/javascript"
If you are going to implement a large-scale application with Vue.js, it may require hard work with various data. In this case powerful Webix data widgets will help you to deal with data.
To begin with, don't forget to include the necessary source files.
Next, to add a Webix widget into a Vue-based app, you need to complete the steps below:
Let's consider an example. We have a layout with two columns. The first column contains a Calendar view and the second one - a List view with data. The layout config is described in the "ui" object. So, we will bind this object to the config attribute of the < webix-ui > element located in the Vue template:
new Vue({
el: "#demo1",
<div style="width:400px; height: 350px;">
<h3>1. Building UI</h3>
<webix-ui :config='ui'/>
view:"list", select:true,
data: data
The result is presented in the image below:
It's possible to bind data of a Webix widget and a Vue template. For this, you just need to use common Vue technique: the v-bind directive.
In the example below we will add a Webix DataTable widget into a Vue app and add a button upon click on which data in the datatable will be cleared:
new Vue({
el: "#demo2",
<div style="width:400px; height: 250px;">
<h3>2. One way data binding,
<button v-on:click="data=[]">Clean</button>
<webix-ui :config='ui' v-bind:value='data'/>
view:"datatable", autoheight:true, select:"row",
{ id:"value", header:"Section Index" },
{ id:"name", header:"First Name" },
{ id:"last", header:"Last Name" },
{ id:"address", header:"Address", fillspace:1 }
The < webix-ui > element gets the datatable configuration and is loaded with the related data.
The Clean button inside the template listens to the event click via the v-on directive. When the button is clicked, this event fires and cleans data in the datatable.
This is how our small app looks like after initialization:
and on the Clean button click:
The way, how component will try to parse incoming value depends on component. The top level widget of webix-ui block will try to call the parse/setValues/setValue method if such method exists. Additionally, for all webix widgets in the block, the "onValue" event will be triggered, so you can define a custom value handler (check the sample further).
You can also implement two-way data binding. It means that if you change something in a Vue component, the corresponding changes will be made in the bound Webix widget and vice versa. The regular v-model Vue directive can be used for this task.
For example, we can create a Vue template with an input element and add a < webix-ui > element that will render a Webix Layout with a Slider inside. If a value will be changed in an input or in a slider, it will be modified in the other component correspondingly. Let's see, how we can implement this use-case:
new Vue({
el: "#demo3",
<div style="width:400px; height: 250px;">
<h3>3. Two-way data binding, try to change <input v-model.number='result'></h3>
<webix-ui :config='ui' v-model.number='result'/>
margin:20, rows:[{
view:"template", type:"header", template:"Webix UI"
label:"Change me", labelWidth:120, inputWidth:300,
this.$scope.$emit("input", this.getValue());
The result is presented in the image below:
We've bound the "result" data attribute both to the input and the slider elements.
When the v-model bound value is modified, the onValue event fires in the Webix view. When the value of the Slider view is changed, its native event onChange fires and informs Vue about value change.
The declaration this.$scope inside of the onChange event handler points to the < webix-ui > element, i.e. on a Webix view as a Vue component.
You can make use of a Vue reactive template inside of a Webix-based application. There is a view:"vue" widget added specially for this purpose. It presents a Vue template that can be used as a native Webix widget.
The only thing you need to do in order to use it in your app is to include the corresponding JS file.
Let's consider the following example. We have a Webix Layout with a List view and want to display an item data in a template depending on the selected List item.
The code sample below shows how a Webix List and a Vue template can be bound:
var list = {
view:"list", id:"list", select:true,
template:"#value# (#size#)",
{ id:1, value:"Record 1", size:92 },
{ id:3, value:"Record 2", size:120 },
{ id:2, value:"Record 3", size:15 }
var preview = {
view:"vue", id:"preview",
<p>This part is rendered by VueJS, data from the list</p>
<div v-if='value'>
<p>Selected: </p>
<p>Size: <input v-model='size'></p>
$$("list").updateItem($$("list").getSelectedId(), { size: value });
This is how it works:
The result can be used in an application as follows:
You can create a custom component by wrapping a Webix widget in a Vue component and use it as a native Vue template. This case is rather useful when the same UI is reused throughout an application and will help you to keep all the used data together.
For example, we have an input and a slider. We want them to update their values simultaneously.
Before getting to work, don't forget to include the necessary source file.
After that you need to take the following steps:
1) register a new Vue component using the Vue.component(tagName,options) declaration
You can find the details on registration of new components in the Vue.js documentation.
We will name our custom component "my-slider". So, the initial code for a component registration will look as follows:
Vue.component("my-slider", {
// component config options
2) specify the necessary Vue configuration options for the component
The full list of options is given in the Vue.js API.
We will use the following options for our Slider control:
The full code of a component registration will look like this:
Vue.component("my-slider", {
props: ['value'],
//always an empty div
// updates component when the bound value changes
// initializes Webix Slider
this.webixId = webix.ui({
// container and scope are mandatory, other properties are optional
container: this.$el,
$scope: this,
view: "slider",
value: this.value
// informs Vue about changed value in case of 2-way data binding
$$(this.webixId).attachEvent("onChange", function(){
var value = this.getValue();
// you can use a custom event here
this.$scope.$emit("input", value)
// memory cleaning
The mounted() function will create a new instance of a Webix Slider.
The destroyed() function will destroy the Webix Slider instance when it will be no longer needed.
3) use the registered component in the Vue instance's template as a custom element
For this we should create a new Vue instance:
new Vue({
el: "#demo1",
<div style='width:300px;'>
<h3>Vue + Webix: Custom UI</h3>
<my-slider v-model.number='progress' />
<div><input type="text" v-model.number='progress' /></div>
progress: 50
We put a Webix-based slider created above into the Vue template.
Also we bound the "progress" data attribute both to the slider and the input elements. Thus, when its value changes, both controls will update their values correspondingly.
If you feel lazy enough to wrap a Webix widget into a Vue template by yourself, we have prepared a set of ready Vue-wrapped Webix Form Controls. The available controls are enumerated in the list below:
To use integrated Form controls in a Vue app, you need to include the above-mentioned source file -
After that you can use any of the Vue-wrapped Webix Form Controls in a Vue application as in the code below:
new Vue({
el: "#demo1",
<div style='width:500px'>
<webix-text label='First Name' v-model.string='fname' />
<webix-text label='Last Name' v-model.string='lname' />
<webix-datepicker label='Birthdate''birthdate' />
<webix-colorpicker label='Color' v-model.string='color' />
<webix-slider label='Level' v-model.number='level' />
birthdate:new Date(1992,10,24),
It will provide the following result:
The "options" collection for multiple-value controls is set through the v-bind directive (e.g.:options='options'), as follows:
new Vue({
el: "#demo1",
<webix-select label='Select' :options='options' v-model.string='cval' />
options:["One", "Two", "Three"],
In case you are still interested in creating your own custom Vue component with Webix widget inside, read the section Creating Custom Vue Component.
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