
fires after a select area was added

void onAfterAreaAdd(object area);
areaobjectthe area object


$$('dtable').attachEvent("onAfterAreaAdd", function(area){
    // some code here


The properties of the area object are:

  • start - (object) the id object of the left top cell, contains two parameters: the row id and the column id
  • end - (object) the id object of the right cell, contains two parameters: the row id and the column id
  • preserve - (boolean) defines if the previous select area should be saved, false by default
  • area_name - (string) optional, the name used to address to an area to change or to delete it
  • css - (string) optional, a css style for an area
  • handle - (boolean) optional, defines whether selection will be resized with or without a handle
See also
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