
returns the reactive state object of Chat

object getState();
objectstate object


// returns the current state of Chat
const state = $$("ch").getState();

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The returned state object contains the following properties and methods:

  chatId: 6,
  chatType: "chat",
  search: "",
  userId: 9,
  callStatus: 1,
  callId: 4,
  callUsers: [9, 3],
  callChatId: 6,
  timer: 5000,
  time: 5


  • userId (number, string) - the id of the user with whom a private chat is active now
  • search (string) - the value in the search field above the list of chats/users
  • chatType (string) - the type of the current chat ("chat" or "user"). "chat" stands for a group chat, "user" is a private chat
  • callStatus (number) - status of the call. Can have the following values:
    • 1 - CallStatusInitiated
    • 2 - CallStatusAccepted
    • 3 - CallStatusActive
    • 900 - CallStatusDrop
    • 901 - CallStatusRejected
    • 902 - CallStatusEnded
    • 903 - CallStatusIgnored
    • 904 - CallStatusLost.
  • callId (number) - stores the call ID
  • callUsers (array) - an array with IDs of users participating in the call
  • callChatId (number) - ID of the chat the call is in
  • timer (number) - call timer. Increments the time field
  • time (number) - number of second passed from the beginning of the call.


  • $observe (function) - a handler to listen to changes in the current state of Chat. It takes 2 parameters:
    • prop (string) - a reactive property to listen changes of
    • handler (function) - a function to execute when changes are made. It takes the only argument:
      • value (any) - the current value of the reactive property. The type of the value (string, array, etc) depends on a reactive property being observed.
  • batch (function)- allows to set several properties at once. Takes the only parameter:
    • props (object) - an object containing the pairs of the property name and the value to set.
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