returns the reactive state object of Document Manager
object getState();
// returns the current state of File manager
const state = $$("fm").getState();
// switches the widget to the "cards" view
state.mode = "cards";
Related samples
The returned state object contains the following properties and methods:
mode: "grid",
selectedItem: [],
search: "",
filter: {// filter config},
path: "/",
source: "files",
clipboard: null
- mode (string) - set the currently/initially visible tab. Possible values are "list" (default), "cards" and "double"
- path (string) - sets the currently/initially opened folder within "My files"
- source - stores the current group folder ID ("files" - stands for "My files", "trash", "favorite", "recent" or "shared"); if source is not "files", path can be only "/"
- selectedItem (array) - stores array of selected items (objects)
- search (string) - stores text from the search input
- filter (object) - stores the filtering config
- clipboard (object) - stores clipboard data, e.g.
{ files: [{date: dateValue, id: "/Data.xlsx", size: 55215, type: "document", value: "Data.xlsx"}], mode: "copy"}
- $observe (function) - a handler to listen to changes in the current state of Document Manager. It takes 2 parameters:
- prop (string) - a reactive property to listen changes of
- handler (function) - a function to execute when changes are made. It takes the only argument:
- value (any) - the current value of the reactive property. The type of the value (string, array, etc) depends on a reactive property being observed.
- batch (function)- allows to set several properties at once. Takes the only parameter:
- props (object) - an object containing the pairs of the property name and the value to set.
For example, you can listen to the source changes as:
state.$observe("source", id =>
$$("sources").setValue(`The current source is "${id}"`));
Or set several properties in a batch:
// switches to the "cards" view and clears the search field
mode:"cards", search:""
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