
adds a new view to a grid layout or moves an existing one

string|number addView(object view, [number index] );
viewobjectthe configuration of the view
indexnumberthe index a new view will be added at or an existing one will be moved to
string|numberthe id of the view


    gridColumns:4, gridRows:3,
        { id:"a", template:"Single", x:0, y:0, dx:1, dy:1 },
        { id:"b", template:"Wide 1", x:1, y:0, dx:2, dy:1 }
        // more cells
$$("grid").addView({ template:"Column", x:1, y:1, dx:1, dy:1 });
// moves an existing child view to a different index 
$$("grid").addView($$("child"), 3);

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For this view, the index specified in addView() will have no visual effect since child views are placed at absolute coordinates. However, getChildViews() will return child views in the actual order.

A GridLayout cell has the following attributes:

  • x - (number) the x-index of a grid cell starting point
  • y - (number) the y-index of a grid cell starting point
  • dx - (number) the width of a view defined as a number of grid cells
  • dy - (number) the height of a view defined as a number of grid cells
See also
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