adjust | adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of the component |
bind | binds components |
blockEvent | temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object |
blur | removes the focus from the control |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
define | redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties) |
destructor | destructs the calling object |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method) |
disable | disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable) |
enable | enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method |
focus | sets focus to the control |
getChildViews | returns child views of the calling component |
getFormView | returns master form for the input |
getInputNode | gets the HTML element related to the component |
getNode | returns the main HTML container for the calling object |
getParentView | returns the parent view of the component |
getTopParentView | returns the top parent view |
getValue | returns the current value of the control |
hasEvent | checks whether the component has the specified event handler |
hide | hides the view |
isEnabled | checks whether the view is enabled |
isVisible | checks whether the view is visible |
mapEvent | routes events from one object to another |
next | set next value in counter input |
prev | set previous value in counter input |
queryView | returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters |
refresh | repaints the component |
render | renders the specified item or the whole component |
resize | adjusts the view to a new size |
setBottomText | sets the input label at the bottom of it |
setValue | sets a new value for the component |
setValueHere | sets a new value for the component |
shift | adds value to the counter |
show | makes the component visible |
sync | allows you to sync two copies of data (all or just a part of it) from one DataCollection to another |
unbind | breaks "bind" link |
unblockEvent | cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command |
validate | validates value of input |