
$getSize returns the current size of the component
$height the current height of the view
$scope scope for resolving event and method names
$setNode defines HTML element for the component
$setSize sets the component size
$skin the method which will be called when skin is defined
$tooltipIn shows a tooltip
$tooltipMove defines the tooltip while the cursor moves over a view or an HTML area
$tooltipOut defines the behavior of a tooltip when the cursor is out of the target widget or HTML area
$view reference to the top HTML element of the view
$width the current width of the view
colormap collection of coloring strategies
config all options from the initial component configuration
data inner DataStore
name indicates the name of the component (a read-only property)
on_click redefines default click behavior for component items.
on_context a property used to define custom context-click (right click) handlers for elements in widgets
on_dblclick attaches a dblclick behavior for component items with the specified CSS class
on_mouse_move attaches a mouse move behavior for component items with the specified CSS class
presets collection of styling presets
waitData eventual result of an asynchronous operation ('promise' object) for the loaded data
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