returns the reactive state object of Report Manager
object getState();
// returns the current state of Report Manager
const state = $$("myReports").getState();
Related samples
The returned state object contains the following properties and methods:
mode: "edit",
module: null,
moduleId: 20,
saved: true,
toolbar: false
- mode (string) - view mode with possible values:
- "list" - the list of modules opened;
- "view" - a module is opened and "list" closed;
- "edit" - editing form for a module is opened;
- module (object) - JSON that contains module settings ( data source, columns, ...). Read-only;
- moduleId (string) - the ID of the report being currently viewed;
- saved (boolean) - if true the selected module is saved. false if the module settings are edited but not saved. Read-only;
- readonly (boolean) - if true hides editing controls. false by default.
- toolbar (boolean) - if false hides the toolbar. true by default.
- $observe (function) - a handler to listen to changes in the current state of Report Manager. It takes 2 parameters:
- prop (string) - a reactive property to listen changes of
- handler (function) - a function to execute when changes are made. It takes the only argument:
- value (any) - the current value of the reactive property. The type of the value (string, array, etc) depends on a reactive property being observed.
- batch (function)- allows to set several properties at once. Takes the only parameter:
- props (object) - an object containing the pairs of the property name and the value to set.
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