
a module to work with named ranges in formulas

object ranges;


// add new range named "MYRANGE"
$$("ssheet").ranges.add("MYRANGE", "B2:C2", "Sheet 2");

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Via this module you can add, name and manipulate cell ranges. For more information refer to the main article.

The ranges module has several methods to work with ranges:


Used to add new named range globally or to the active/specified sheet. The method takes the following parameters:

  • name (string) - range name
  • range (string) - range of cells to be included
  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be:
    • sheet name, to add a range visible in this sheet only
    • true, to add a range globally (visible throughout Spreadsheet)
    • not defined, to add a range to the active sheet.
// add "MYRANGE" range to Sheet 1
$$("ssheet").ranges.add("MYRANGE", "B2:C2", "Sheet 1");

Optionally, you can state sheet name in the range.

// adds rangethat takes data from Sheet 1 to Sheet2
spreadsheet.ranges.add("MYRANGE", "Sheet1!A1:A3", "Sheet2");


Used to get the range of cells. The method takes the following parameters:

  • name (string) - range name
  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be:
    • sheet name, to get the local range from this sheet
    • true, to get the global range
    • not defined, to get the local range from the active sheet.
// "B2:C2"
$$("ssheet").ranges.getCode("MYRANGE", "Sheet 1");


Used to get all the existing named ranges. The method takes the only parameter:

  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be:
    • sheet name, to get all ranges visible in this sheet
    • true, to get the global ranges only
    • not defined, to get all ranges visible in the active sheet.
// [{name:"K",range:"C3:D3", global: true},...]
$$("ssheet").ranges.getRanges("Sheet 1");

The flag global in the range object shows whether the range is visible globally.


Used to delete a specified named range. The method takes the following parameters:

  • name (string) - range name
  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be
    • sheet name, to remove a local range from this sheet
    • true, to remove a global range
    • not defined, to remove a local range from the active sheet

To remove the range from the active sheet, do not pass the 2nd parameter.

// remove a global range named "globalRange"
$$("ssheet").ranges.remove("globalRange", true);


Used to remove all global or local named ranges. The method takes the only parameter:

  • scope (string, boolean) - scope to delete ranges from:
    • sheet name, to remove all local ranges from it
    • true, to remove all global ranges from Spreadsheet
    • not defined, to remove all local ranges from the active sheet.
// deletes all ranges from the Sheet 3
$$("sheet").ranges.clear("Sheet 3");


Used to parse new ranges. Comparing with the add() method, parse() is used to add more than 1 ranges. The method takes the following parameters:

  • data (array) - 2D array where each inner array can include 3 elements:
    • name - name for the range
    • range - cells to be included to the range
    • global - to parse range globally.
  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be:
    • sheet name, to parse local ranges to it
    • not defined, to parse local ranges to the active sheet.
// parse new ranges to Sheet 2
  ["firstRange", "A1:A3"], //local range for Sheet 2
  ["secondRange", "B3:B7", true] //global range
], "Sheet 2");

Note that you can define ranges with sheet name ("Sheet1!C1:C5") or without ("C1:C5"). If range is defined without a sheet name it will take data from:

  • the particular sheet, if specified by the 2nd element of the parse method
  • the active sheet.


Used to get array(s) with range data of a specified sheet.

  • scope (string, boolean) - visibility scope. It can be
    • sheet name, to serialize all ranges visible in this sheet
    • true, to serialize the global ranges only
    • not defined, to serialize all ranges visible in the active sheet.
$$("sheet").ranges.serialize("Sheet 1");
The method returns a 2D array like:
    ["firstRange", "A1:E3", false],
    ["secondRange", "B2:C2", false],

The third element of the resulting array defines whether the range is visible globally.

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