
Setting Borders for Widgets

Webix allows setting borders, margin and padding for components and layout blocks. They should be specified within layout blocks and components to which you wish to apply the settings.

Within the form component borders are set in the same way.

Border Types

Borders can be applied to:

  • layout blocks (rows, cols, cells);
  • the whole layout and its variations (multiview, tabview);
  • any UI component;
  • part of UI component (window or accordion body, head).

Border type is set by the type parameter.

        { ... },
        { ... }

The following border types are available:

Besides the above mentioned border types, there is also the type:"form" type, which specifies that layout cells are rendered without borders and with padding around all of them.

By default rows and columns feature thin borders, which can as well be set manually as type:"line". To completely get rid of borders, you should either set the "clean" type or add borderless:true parameter.

Note that the chosen border as well as borderless state is applied only to the layout block it's defined for, while its children still feature the default border. You should set a border for them manually:

        { template:"text", borderless:true },
        { ... }

Here layout rows feature the space border, while a template that lies in one of these rows is borderless.

Margin and Padding

Margin specifies the space from the view to the left inner border of its parent container (sets the "margin-left" property) while padding sets the offset from the component contents to its borders.

    cols:[{ }]

Padding can be set separately in horizontal and vertical modes:

  • padding - (number) offset for all the borders or (object) different offsets for sides;
  • paddingX - offset for left and right borders;
  • paddingY - offset for upper and bottom borders.
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