Working with Links and Labels

In Diagram links are connectors that represent relations between visual blocks. From this article you will learn how to manipulate links and customize them.

There may be occasions when links require explanation. In this case, you can add a "text" block in a specific position or use a special block - "label."

Loading Links

Links are loaded into Diagram via the dedicated links property of the configuration object. As links you can provide:

  • plain JSON array or an XML string
  • a URL to load links from
  • a Data Collection with links.
  data: [/*block data*/],
  links: "remote/data/links"
  // or 
  links: [
    /* link objects */

Keep in mind, that if the incoming data for links and blocks is in XML format, you need to add the datatype property passing "xml" as its value:

  view: "diagram",
  datatype: "xml",   links: "remote/links.xml"
  url: "remote/data.xml"

Note, that all the incoming data (blocks and links) should be in one and the same format: either JSON or XML.

Link Settings

Links define the relations between blocks, so each of them must have the following fields:

  • source (string, number) - obligatory. Source of the link (where the link comes from)
  • target (string, number) - obligatory. Destination point of the link (where the link comes to)

Additionally, you can provide the following parameters to each link:

  • mode (string) - defines mode of the link. The possible values are:
    • "edges" - default. Elbow-like connector going from and to the center of top/side edge of the block
    • "direct" - a straight line going from the center of one block directly to the center of another
    • "curve" - a curved line from the center of one block to the center of another
    • "child" - a line that connects parent with a child element. Used in block list structures.
    • "sibling" - a line that connects sibling elements (e.g. children of the same parent). Used in block list structures.
  • from (string) - defines the edge of the block the link is headed from. Possible values are:
    • "center"
    • "top"
    • "right"
    • "bottom"
    • "left".
  • to (string) - defines the edge of the block the link is headed to. Possible values are the same as in the from field described above.
  • line (array) - an array of coordinates according to which the link is drawn. Each segment of the link is defined as [[x, y], ...] or ["x, y", ...]
  • $css (string, function) - CSS class name or a template function to apply a class name to the link line
  • lineWidth (number) - defines the width for the link line. 1 by default. The property is applied to the line of the link (not arrow)
  • lineColor (string) - defines color for the link line (color name or HEX code). #ccd7e6 by default. The property is applied to the line of the link and arrow stroke
  • lineStyle (string, number) - stroke-dasharray for the link line (not its arrow). Possible values are:
    • "dotted"
    • "dashed"
    • numeric value. The higher value is, the more space in between dashes of the link line.

And a set of parameters that are applicable to a link arrow:

  • arrow (boolean, string, array) - defines whether to paint an arrowhead for the link. Can take the following values:
    • boolean to enable (default) or disable an arrowhead for link
    • "triangle" to draw a triangle instead of the arrow
    • an array of custom coordinates according to which the arrow is drawn. Each segment of the arrow is defined as [[x, y], ...] or ["x, y", ...]
  • $arrowCss (string, function) - CSS class name or a template function to apply a class name to the link arrow
  • arrowSize (string, number) - defines the size of the link arrow. It is 6px by default
  • backgroundColor (string) - defines color for the link arrow (color name or HEX code)
  • fillOpacity (string, number) - opacity of the arrow fill. Ranges from 0.0 to 1 or percentage from "0%" to "100%".

Nuances when building a link path

To avoid conflicts when defining link path via the dedicated fields, investigate the following:

  • if the line field is provided, Diagram will draw a link according to the array values
  • if from and to are provided and line is not, Diagram will build a path according to the provided values
  • if mode is defined while from, to, and line are not, Diagram will build a link according to specified mode. In this case the link is guided from center to center
  • if line is provided, but either of from/to is missing, the link will not follow its source/target block during drag-n-drop
  • if autoplacement is enabled, link is build according to its mode or mode defined in the linkItem (from, to, and line fields are ignored). In this case blocks link is guided from center to center.

Adding standalone lines

You can also add standalone lines that won't connect shapes by specifying link objects without the following properties: source, target, from and to. Such a link object should have the line property specified and can have any other link properties (except for the enumerated ones). For example:

// links dataset
    // a curved line with an arrow
      "mode": "curve",
      "arrow": true,
      "line": [
        [ 277, 20 ],
        [ 293, 0 ],
        [ 310, 20 ],
        [ 327, 40 ],
        [ 343, 20 ]
    // a direct line without an arrow
      "arrow": false,
      "line": [
        [ 277, 110 ],
        [ 343, 110 ]
  // other links

How to configure links individually

You can configure each link individually or tune all the links at once. To configure links separately, add the fields from the list above into the link data object and provide the desired values for them:

  view: "diagram",
  data: [/* blocks */],
  links: [
      source: "1",
      target: "1.2",
      lineColor: "#2d9bf0"
    // other links

To provide settings globally for all links at once, define the linkItem property in the diagram object constructor. Common properties include css, mode (only "edges" or "direct"), arrow, arrowCSS and arrowSize:

  view: "diagram",
  data: [/* blocks */],
  links: "remote/data/links",
  linkItem: {
    css: "cssForLinks",
    mode: "direct",
    arrow: false,
    arrowCss: "cssForArrows"
    arrowSize: 5

Please note that the properties defined within separate link items have a higher priority than those set globally.

Defining Link Mode

Diagram offers 5 default types of links: "edges", "direct", "curve", "child", and "sibling".


The "edges" links are elbow-like connectors that go from the center to the top/side edge of another block.


The "direct" link is a straight line that goes from one block to another.


The "curve" link is a curved line that goes from the center of one block to the center of another.


The "child" link can help forming list structures by setting a connector between a parent and its child that is placed under its parent. On the picture below the "child" links are highlighted with purple.


The "sibling" link is also a helper type for list structure being a connector between sibling blocks (e.g. children of the same parent). On the picture below the "sibling" links are highlighted with green.

  view: "diagram",
  linkItem: {
    mode: "direct", //for all links that do not have their own mode
  links: [
    { source:"1.2.1", target:"", mode:"child"},
    { source:"", target:"", mode:"sibling"},
    // ... other links

Related sample:  Diagram: Link Mode Priority

Styling Links

You can provide the desired link width, color and style. The color and width will be shared with a link arrow.

These parameters can be defined in the dataset:

// links dataset
    source: "1", 
    target: "1.2",
    lineColor: "#61b578",
    linkStyle: "dotted",
    lineWidth: 2

To provide common styles for all links, define the linksItem object inside Diagram constructor. Set the name of the CSS class as a value for the css field:

  view: "diagram",
  links: [/* link objects */],
  linkItem: {
    css: "common_links"   }

If you want to style a particular link, add the $css field to its data object setting a CCS class name as its value:

// links dataset
    source: "1",
    target: "1.2",
    $css: "styles_for_link"   }

Styling Arrows

Diagram allows you to render classic arrows (default) or empty or filled triangles to indicate the direction of a process.

You can provide the desired arrow type of disable an arrow for each separate link:

  //empty triangle
  { source: "1",  target: "1.2", arrow: "triangle" },
  //filled triangle
  { source: "1",  target: "1.2", arrow: "triangle", backgroundColor:"#CCD7E6" },
  // no arrow
  { source: "1.2", target: "1.2.2",  arrow: false},

You can also define arrow size and background opacity:

   source: "1",  target: "1.2"
   arrow: "triangle",  
   arrowSize: 4
   backgroundColor:"#CCD7E6", fillOpacity: "50%",

To provide common styles for all arrows, define the linksItem object inside Diagram constructor. Set the name of the CSS class as a value for the arrowCss field:

  view: "diagram",
  links: [/* link objects */],
  linkItem: {
    arrowCss: "common_arrows"   }

If you want to style a particular arrow, add the $arrowCss field to its data object setting a CCS class name as its value:

// links dataset
    source: "1",
    target: "1.2",
    $arrowCss: "styles_for_arrow"   }

Related sample:  Diagram: Styling Links

Fixed Coordinates for Links and Arrows

If your project requires links and arrows to be drawn by fixed coordinates you can provide them in the corresponding line and arrow arrays.

Each element of the arrays is a segment of a line/arrow. It can be either another array with two numbers representing x and y coordinates or a string with numbers, separated by comma. The rule is the same for both cases - define segments of a line/arrow sequentially one by one.

// links dataset
    line:["300,230", "180,205", "100,205"],
    arrow:["300,101", "298,104", "292,98", "285,100",]
    // or
    line:[[300,230], [180,205], [100,205]],
    arrow:[[300,101], [298,104], [292,98],]
  // other links

A curved link may consist of one or several quadratic Bézier curves. The lines in a "curve" mode are defined by a set of control points. By default, these control points are calculated automatically. But you can specify the corresponding points in the "line" array to render the curved links by the fixed coordinates.

    source: "core",
    target: "kanban",
    mode: "curve",
    line: ["300 190", "300 157", "425 157", "550 157", "550 110"]

Related sample:  Diagram: Custom Links

The starting point for arrows and lines is the left top corner of the widget (0, 0).

Accessing Links Storage

On the client side links are stored in a view-less storage called DataCollection. To access the collection, call the getLinks method on Diagram:

const links = $$("diagram1").getLinks();

You can work with the collection using the dedicated API. For example, you can get the links array by serializing the collection:

const linksArray = $$("diagram1").getLinks().serialize();
  { id: 161968034646, source: "core", target: "diagram" },
    $arrowCss: "batman", 
    arrow: ["300,101", "298,104"], 
    id: 1619680346462
    source: "core"
    target: "kanban"
  // ...

Adding Labels

To add one or more labels to a link you need to add your label objects to the data property array and define labels property for a target link. The labels property is an array of IDs or a list of IDs separated by commas.

    view: "diagram",
    data: [{
            id: "querytext",
            value: "First label"
            id: "querytext1",
            value: "Second label"
    links: [
        // one label with id "querytext"
            source: "query",
            target: "rmanager",
            labels: "querytext"
        // for multiple labels
            source: "query",
            target: "dmanager",
            labels: "querytext, querytext1" // or ["querytext", "querytext1"]

Related sample:  Diagram: Built-in Block Styles

Aligning Labels

Unlike regular blocks, a label does not require x and y properties.

By default, a label is set in the link center. You can change the alignment to the link start or link end by using linkAlign property. Possible options are "center", "start" and "end" respectively:

    id: "querytext",
    value: "Report Manager uses Query for filtering queries",
    linkAlign: "start" 

dx and dy label properties define the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) offsets relative to the label position. Starting coordinates are calculated depending on the linkAlign property value.

For example, if dy is -20, the label with be shown 20px higher than it is calculated:

    id: "querytext",
    value: "Report Manager uses Query for filtering queries",
    dy: -20

Styling Labels

By default, labels have "text" stylistic type — they are rendered as plain text with a transparent background. You can read about further customization here.

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