
add adds an item to the store
addView adds a new view to a layout-like widget or moves an existing one
adjust adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container
attachEvent attaches the handler to an inner event of the component
bind binds components
blockEvent temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object
callEvent calls an inner event
clearAll removes all items from the component
copy creates a copy of a card and places the copy below the original
count returns the number of currently visible items
define redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties)
destructor destructs the calling object
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method)
disable disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable)
eachList iterates over all lists in Kanban and calls a function for them
enable enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method
exists checks whether an item with the specified ID exists
filter filters the component
find returns all rows that match the criterion, or only the first one
getChildViews returns child views of the calling component
getColors returns the set of colored states defined for Kanban cards
getComments returns the view object of the Kanban comments popup
getEditor returns the view object of the Kanban card editor
getFirstId returns the ID of the first item
getFormView returns master form for the input
getIdByIndex returns the ID of the item with the specified index
getIndexById returns the index of the item with the specified ID
getItem gets the object of the data item with the specified ID
getLastId returns the ID of the last item
getMenu returns a view object of the context menu of a Kanban card
getNextId returns the ID of an item that is after the specified item, either directly after or after a number of items (defined by the step)
getNode returns the main HTML container for the calling object
getOwnerList returns Kanbanlist view that displays an item
getParentView returns the parent view of the component
getPrevId returns the ID of an item that is before the specified item, either directly before or before a number of items (defined by the step)
getSelectedId returns the id of the selected task
getStatuses returns a copy of the statuses array
getTags returns a collection of all tags of a Kanban board
getTopParentView returns the top parent view
getUserList returns the view object of the user list
getUsers returns a collection of users
hasEvent checks whether the component has the specified event handler
hide hides the view
index returns the cell index in the layout collection
isEnabled checks whether the view is enabled
isVisible checks whether the view is visible
load loads data from an external data source
loadNext sends a request to load the specified number of records to the end of the client-side dataset or to the specified position
mapEvent routes events from one object to another
parse loads data to the component from an inline data source
queryView returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters
reconstruct rebuilds the layout
refresh repaints the whole view or a certain item
remove removes the specified item/items from datastore
removeView removes the specified view of a layout-like component
resize adjusts the view to a new size
resizeChildren resizes all children of the called component
restore restores the saved state of a layout
select selects the specified task
serialize serializes the current layout state to a JSON object
show makes the component visible
showBatch makes visible those elements, the parameter 'batch' of which is set to the specified name
showEditor opens the editor to change the card details or add a new card
sort sorts datastore
sync allows syncing two copies of data (all or just a part of it) from one DataCollection to another
unbind breaks "bind" link
unblockEvent cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command
updateItem updates the data item with new properties
waitSave allows to catch the moment when a data operation was saved to the server
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