By default, all labels in Query are defined in English, but you can provide your translations for the labels.
The Query widget package includes only en-US locale. Check our Locales repository for the language you need or create your own locale. Feel free to contribute your successful translation.
Query titles are stored in the following object:
export default {
"Add filter": "Add filter",
in: "=",
equal: "=",
notEqual: "<>",
less: "<",
greater: ">",
greaterOrEqual: ">=",
lessOrEqual: "<=",
contains: "contains",
notContains: "not contains",
beginsWith: "begins",
notBeginsWith: "not begings",
endsWith: "ends",
notEndsWith: "not ends",
between: "between",
notBetween: "not between",
and: "and",
or: "or",
Edit: "Edit",
"Add Filter": "Add Filter",
"Add Group": "Add Group",
Delete: "Delete",
Apply: "Apply",
Cancel: "Cancel",
To change the default locale, you need to take the following steps:
1. Set custom translations by creating the needed locale (below it is "it") within the query.locales object:
// Italian translations = {
"Add filter": "Aggiungi filtro",
and: "e",
or: "o"
2. And define the current locale for Query. For these purposes, use the locale setting of the Query constructor:
Add custom locale
webix.ready(function() {
const query = {
view: "query",
id: "query",
locale: {
lang: "it"
Related sample: Query: Custom Locale
You can change languages dynamically, e.g. when clicking related buttons on the toolbar.
The process consists of 2 steps:
1. Provide custom translations within the query.locales object:
// Italian = {
"Add filter": "Aggiungi filtro",
and: "e",
or: "o"
// Russian = {
"Add filter": "Добавить фильтр",
and: "и",
or: "или"
2. Switch the languages using the setLang method of the Query locale service:
Changing locales
view: "segmented",
options: ["en", "ru", "it"],
width: 250,
click: function() {
const lang = $$("query").getService("locale");
lang.setLang(this.getValue()); // en, ru or it
Related sample: Query: Switching Locales
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