Working with Data

Loading Data

Report Manager expects a common URL for loading and saving data:

view:"reports", url:"remote/data"

More information on routes and parameters is located in the Working with Server article.

If you do not have a backend server or require non-standard logic, you can customize the Backend service.

Data Structure


Report Manager expects JSON data where each element of the array is an object with the following fields:

  • id (number) - module ID;
  • name (string) - module name;
  • text (string) - string that contains module configuration. Can be converted into JSON;
  • updated (string) - ISO date of the module last modification.

Data example

id: 22
name: "Company per region"
text: "{
    "desc":"Created on 10/28/2020",
        "values":["black tea","espresso","latte","green tea"]},{"id":"Other"}]}],
updated: "2020-10-29T12:38:14Z"

Data Services

Report Manager has the following services for data:

1. Local Data

  • stores data on the client side in Data Collections
  • provides methods for getting and manipulating reports (modules)
  • provides methods for getting and manipulating models (data sources)
  • provides methods for getting and manipulating queries
const local = $$("reports").getService("local");
const modules = local.getModules(); // returns available reports

2. Charts

  • provides methods for getting chart types
  • stores an array of colors to work with
const charts = $$("reports").getService("charts");
charts.getTypes(); // returns an array with chart type objects
  {id: "line", value: "Line", icon: "mdi mdi-chart-line"},
  {id: "spline", value: "Spline", icon: "mdi mdi-chart-bell-curve-cumulative"},
  {id: "area", value: "Area", icon: "mdi mdi-chart-areaspline"},
  // other types

3. Helpers

  • provides methods for search and matching
const helpers = $$("reports").getService("helpers");
helpers.hasNonDigits(input); // checks whether input contains non-digits

4. Backend

  • provides methods for issuing requests to the backend to fetch data and save the changes back
const back = $$("reports").getService("backend");
back.getModels().then((data) => console.log(data));

Study the models folder in the source code for method signatures.

Data Operations

Getting Modules

Module is a report configuration. All modules are stored in a DataCollection. The collection is accessible via the getModules() method of the Local Data service.

const modules = $$("myReports").getService("local").getModules();

To make sure that the data are already loaded, use the waitData method to wait for a data promise.

Getting a particular module

const modules = $$("myReports").getService("local").getModules();
   modules.getItem(modules.getFirstId()); // get first module

You can get an array of all modules by serializing the collection:

Serializing modules collection

const modules = $$("myReports").getService("local").getModules();
 const arr = modules.serialize(); // get array of modules
        id: 22
        name: "Company per region"
        text: "{
          "desc":"Created on 10/28/2020",
            "values":["black tea","espresso","latte","green tea"]},{"id":"Other"}]}],
        updated: "2020-10-29T12:38:14Z"

Getting Models

Models are data sources for reports. All models are stored in a DataCollection. The collection is accessible via the getModels() method of the Local Data service. The method takes the only parameter:

  • now (boolean) - if true, we assume that the directory is available on the client.
$$("myReports").getService("local").getModels().then(sources => {
 // do something with data sources

The method returns a hash of data sources:

Data example

  companies: {id: "companies", name: "Companies", data: [...], refs: [...]},
  persons: {id: "persons", name: "Persons", data: [...], refs: [...]},
  products: {id: "products", name: "Products", data: [...], [...]},
  sales: {id: "sales", name: "Sales", data: [...], refs: [...]}

Getting Queries

Queries are used for filtering reports. All queries are stored in a DataCollection. The collection is accessible via the getQueries() method of the Local Data service.

const queries = $$("myReports").getService("local").getQueries();

To make sure that the data are already loaded, use the waitData method to wait for a data promise.

Getting a particular query

const queries = $$("myReports").getService("local").getQueries();
   queries.getItem(queries.getFirstId()); // get first query

You can get an array of all queries by serializing the collection:

Serializing queries collection

const queries = $$("myReports").getService("local").getQueries();
 const arr = queries.serialize(); // get an array of queries
        id: 20,
        models: ["companies", "persons"],
        name: "myFilter",
        text: { ...query configuration },
        value: "myFilter"

Related sample:  Report Manager: Data Operations

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