
Check the general rules of File Manager customizations here: Customizing File Manager.

Adding a Bottom Bar

To add a bottom bar, create the new class for it and provide the UI and the needed logic:

//new views are inherited from JetView
class BottomBar extends fileManager.views.JetView {
  config() {
    const info = {
      view: "button", value: "Info", width: 100,
      click: () => this.ShowInfo()
    return { view: "toolbar", cols: [info, {}] };
  ShowInfo() {
    webix.message("Custom button clicked");

Then, insert it into the main layout located in as a last row:

class CustomTopView extends {
  config() {
    const ui = super.config();
    return ui;

And replace the default class with a custom one via the override map:

  view: "filemanager",
  url: "",
  override: new Map([[fileManager.views.topbar, CustomTopBar]]),

Related sample:  File Manager: Bottom Bar

Single Display Mode

To show a particular tab ("cards", "grid", "double") without the ability to switch between them, hide the Tabbar component from fileManager.views.topbar class:

class CustomTopBar extends fileManager.views.topbar {
  init() {
    // default logic
    // removing components can cause errors
    // hiding components is safe

Then, replace the default class with a custom one via the override map:

  mode: "cards", //show any tab other than "grid"
  override: new Map([[fileManager.views.topbar, CustomTopBar]]),

Related sample:  File Manager: Single Mode

Adding Extra Display Mode

To add a new tab for browsing directories, you need to:

1. Create a UI for it.
2. Add an extra option to the Segmented button on toolbar.
3. Show the tab when the corresponding Segmented option is clicked.

Create new tab

1. Define the config() method to set up the UI of the new view: Treemap.
2. Define the init() method to load the files data into the Treemap:

//new views are inherited from JetView
class SpaceChartView extends fileManager.views.JetView {
  config() {
    return {
      view: "treemap",
      localId: "space",
      template: a => a.value,
      value: a => a.size,
  // parse files from the current directory into the Treemap
  const state = this.getParam("state");
  this.on(state.$changes, "path", v => {
      .then(fs => this.$$("space").sync(fs));

3. To add the new view into File Manager, use the views property:

  mode: "space",
  views: { "": SpaceChartView }

Show new tab

First, add an extra option to the segmented button on the toolbar:

class CustomTopBar extends fileManager.views.topbar {
  config(value, old) {
    const ui = super.config();
    const modes = ui.cols[ui.cols.length - 1];
    modes.width += 42;
      value: "<span class='space_option'>S</span>",
      id: "space" //option id
    return ui;

Then, handle the click on the above option in the view by redefining its ShowMode method:

class CustomTop extends {
  ShowMode(value, old) {
    const state = this.getParam("state");
    if (value === "space") {
      //handling click on the option with "space" id;"", {
        target: "center",
        params: { state },
    } else {
      super.ShowMode(value, old);

At last, replace the default classes with custom classes via the override map:

    override: new Map([
    [, CustomTop],
    [fileManager.views.topbar, CustomTopBar],

Related sample:  File Manager: Custom Mode

Disabling Drag-n-drop

You can disable default DnD behaviour by returning false in the handler of the onBeforeDrag event for the datatable and dataview components used in grid and cards views.

To listen to this event, you need to to define a new custom class by inheriting it from the default fileManager.views.list or

Disabling dnd in Cards view

class MyCards extends {
  init() {
    // disable dnd
    this.on(this.$$("cards"), "onBeforeDrag", () => false);

After that, override the default class with a custom one:

  view: "filemanager",
  override: new Map([
    [, MyCards]

Related sample:  Disabling DnD in grids/cards

Changing Context Menu Options

You can add, remove or modify context menu options.

Removing options

You can remove an option from the context menu by calling its remove method with the ID of the unnecessary option as a parameter:

Removing 'upload' option

class CustomAddNewMenu extends fileManager.views["menus/addnewmenu"] {
  init(view) {
    // default logic
    // remove an option from the created view 

Adding options

Also, you can add a custom option (e.g. "clone") to the array of default options.

Mask for the filtering should be added to an option as a value of the show property. You can provide one mask or combine several with "|".

The following masks are supported by File Manager and Document Manager:

  • FOLDER - folders (any folders in tree and right side)
  • MANY - deprecated
  • TEXT - for code type files
  • VIEW - for files that can be opened in a browser (some audio files are downloadable)
  • COMPACT - compact mode
  • TREE - deprecated
  • SEARCH - menu opened in search (search results)
  • EMPTY - deprecated
  • FILE - for files
  • SINGLE - menu is opened for 1 item (file or folder)
  • RIGHT - menu is opened on the right side (item or empty space)
  • ITEMS - files and folders in both parts

Adding a custom option

class CustomMenuBody extends fileManager.views["menus/menubody"] {
  config() {
    const menu = super.config();
    const RIGHT = 0x80; 
        const ITEMS = 0x100;
    //add option to the JS config{
      id: "clone", value: "Clone",
      show: RIGHT | ITEMS, icon: "wxi-plus",
    return menu;

For the new option you need to provide an action to perform when clicking on it:

class Operations extends {
  initEvents() {
    super.initEvents();"app:action", (name, info) => {
      if (name === "clone") {

Related sample:  File Manager: Customizing menus

Finally don't forget to tell the component that you are going to override its default views and services:

  view: "filemanager",
  override: new Map([
    [fileManager.views["menus/menubody"], CustomMenuBody],
    [fileManager.views["menus/addnewmenu"], CustomAddNewMenu],
    [, Operations]

Sorting Files Initially

You can provide the default sorting order. To achieve it, you need to:

1. Redefine the RenderData method of list and cards views to sort each directory you are entering.
2. Get the related collection of files for the opened path after the data are received from the backend.
3. Sort the collection whichever you like - the view will reflect these changes.

Initial descending order by title

class MyGrid extends fileManager.views.list {
  RenderData(data) {
    // wait until data are returned from backend/cache, then sort it
    data.waitData.then(() => {
      data.sort(/*..custom sorting function*/);
      this.$$("table").markSorting("value", dir);
// and redefine RenderData of in the same way

Related sample:  File Manager: Initial sorting order

Loading Local Data

To work with File Manager it isn't necessary to have a backend server i.e. you can work with local data provided in the supported format.

You can override default backend methods and return a promise with JSON data.

Loading folders

You can provide data for a folder tree (left side) by changing the folders method logic of the Backend service.

class MyBackend extends {
  folders() {
    const data = [
    return webix.promise.resolve(data); 

Loading files

To load files, override the files method. It takes the ID of a directory as a parameter. You can load various data depending on the directory you are in.

Loading local data

class MyBackend extends {
  files(id) { 
    let data = []; 
      if (path == "/") { // root directory
      data = [
        {"value":"videos","id":"/videos", "type":"folder"},
        // other data 
    return webix.promise.resolve(data); 

Returning meta data

You can return meta data of your file system (total, free and used space; in bytes) in the getInfo method:

Returning file system data

class MyBackend extends {
  getInfo() {
    return webix.promise.resolve({
      stats: { 
        free: 52 * 1000 * 1000,
        total: 250 * 1000 * 1000,
        used: 198.4 * 1000 * 1000,

Related sample:  File Manager: Load Local Data

Loading Folders Dynamically

Let's suppose you don't want to have all your directories loaded at once:

Firstly, you need to override default folders methods in Backend and LocalData services to return only the first level of directories. Note that we imitate getting the data for the sake of example only. In real-life projects you do not need to override the Backend service to implement dynamic loading.

Overriding Backend

class MyBackend extends {
  folders() {
    const data = totalFolders.serialize().map(f => {
      if ( delete;
      return f;
    return webix.promise.resolve(data);

And for the LocalData:

Overriding LocalData

class MyLocal extends{
  folders(force, path) {
    const hierarchy = this.hierarchy;
    // the method without *path* parameter will return only the first level 
    if ((force || !this.folders_ready) && !path) {
        .then(data => {
          hierarchy.parse({ parent: "../files", data });
          return hierarchy;
    return Promise.resolve(hierarchy);

After that you can create an event handler that will load the contents of directories dynamically (after opening a directory):

Handler on dynamic loading

class MyTree extends fileManager.views.folders{
    this.on(this.Tree, "onAfterSelect", id => {
      if (id !== "../files")"local").folders(false, id);

Related sample:  File Manager: Dynamically loaded folders

Customizing Code Editor

Customizing editor (files with type: "code") follows the common rules.

In this how-to we'll try to achieve the following result using the Ace editor instead of CodeMirror, which is used by default:

Related sample:  File Manager: Customizing code editor

Replacing default editor

You need to define a new custom class by inheriting it from the default fileManager.views.editor. Inside the config() method we set the configuration for the new editor and replace the default one:

Overriding editor config

class Editor extends fileManager.views.editor {
  config() {
    const ui = super.config();
    let editor = {  // config for the editor
      localId: "editor", //keep this localId
      view: "ace-editor",
      theme: "dracula",
    ui.rows[1] = editor; // replace the default editor with a new one
    return ui;

Adding files

To add files using other editor API (Ace in this case), redefine the AddDoc method. Create a new ace.EditSession and save it to the editor buffer. After that you need to set the file type for the editor:

AddDoc(file, text) {
  this._oldValue[] = text;
  // using ace api
  this.Buffers[] = new ace.EditSession(text);

Opening files

To be able to show contents of the files in the editor using the Ace API, you need to redefine the OpenDoc method:

OpenDoc(name) {
    .then(editor => {
      // using ace api
      // focus the edit area

Don't forget to override the default Editor view with the new one:

Overriding default editor

const app = new fileManager.App({
  override: new Map([[fileManager.views.editor, Editor]])

By this moment you already have something like this:

Adding controls

You can add controls to the editor. This can be done by:

  • Either overriding the default top bar:

Overriding default top bar

class Editor extends fileManager.views.editor {
  config() {
    const ui = super.config();
    // get the array of toolbar controls and add new ones here
    const toolbarEls = ui.rows[0].cols;
    toolbarEls.push({ /* some control here */ });
    return ui;
  • Or creating a bottom toolbar and adding controls there:

Adding bottom toolbar

class Editor extends fileManager.views.editor {
  config() {
    const ui = super.config();
    const bottomBar = {
      view: "toolbar",
      cols: [
          // ... toolbar controls will be here
    return ui;

Related sample:  File Manager: Customizing code editor

This is how a bottom toolbar with controls may look like:

Additionally, you can apply our dark theme to the toolbars and buttons or add you own styles.

Uploading Folders

By default when uploading a folder (using drag-n-drop) File Manager uploads only the contents of the folder but not the folder itself.

You can change this behavior and make it possible for users to upload a folder entirely (not just its contents). In this how-to we will try to achieve the following result:

Adding new uploader

The Upload service is responsible for all the uploads in File Manager and uses the uploader component under the hood. It can work either with folders or with files and cannot be changed dynamically. In File Manager it only works with files thus you need to create a new uploader that will allow uploading folders.

Create a new class by inheriting it from the default

class Upload extends {
  // code for new uploader

In the initUploader() method you should add a new uploader and in the configuration object set the directory property to true.

// inside the custom Upload class
initUploader(app) {
  this.dirUploader = webix.ui({
    view: "uploader",
    // enables downloading folders
    directory: true,     // ...
    // ... other config

It is also important to update local data, so add a handler that will refresh the currently opened directory where a folder was uploaded.

// inside new uploader 
on: {
  onUploadComplete: function() {
    const local = app.getService("local");
    // refresh local data

Adding a dialog for uploading

Now let's add the logic that will set the destination for upload and open a dialog for choosing a folder. Define the folderDialog() method for this:

// inside the custom Upload class
folderDialog(id) {
  this.dirUploader.config.tempUrlData = { id };

Adding new option to the menu

To add a new option you need to create a new custom class by inheriting it from the default fileManager.views["menus/addnewmenu"].

Adding new option

class CustomAddNewMenu extends fileManager.views["menus/addnewmenu"] {
  config() {
    // default UI
    const ui = super.config();
    // add "Upload folder" option
    const menu = ui.body;{
      id: "uploaddir",
      value: "Upload folder",
      icon: "webix_fmanager_icon mdi mdi-folder-upload-outline",
    return ui;

New option was added right here:

After that you should provide some logic to perform upon clicking on this option. So inside the initEvents method you should add an event listener that will react to the event if the name parameter is "uploaddir".

// inside the custom Upload class
initEvents(app, state) {
  super.initEvents(app, state);
  app.attachEvent("app:action", (name, info) => {
    if (name == "uploaddir") {
      info = info || (state.path || "/");

You have added the logic for uploading folders via menu option, but for correct support of folder D-n-D you just have to override the getUploader() method:

// inside the custom Upload class
getUploader() {
  return this.dirUploader;

the rest is already handled by Webix and File Manager.

And do not forget to override the default view and service with custom ones:

new fileManager.App({
  override: new Map([
    [fileManager.views["menus/addnewmenu"], CustomAddNewMenu],
    [, Upload]

Related sample:  File Manager: Uploading folders

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