Installing Gantt

To start using Gantt, you need to:

  1. Include the necessary JS and CSS scripts into an HTML file.
  2. Call the object constructor.

Included Files

You need to include 4 files on a page:

  <!-- Webix Library -->
  <script src="codebase/webix.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="codebase/webix.css" type="text/css">
  <!-- Gantt -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="codebase/gantt.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="codebase/gantt.css" type="text/css">
    <!-- Gantt constructor -->
</script> </body> </html>

See the next chapter to learn more ways of creating Gantt on a page.

Starting a Backend Server

Using NodeJS Backend

To get the NodeJS backend for Gantt, clone the repo and start it locally as:

npm install
node index.js

Using Golang

To get the Golang backend for Gantt, clone the repo, configure DB connection and create config.yml file with DB access config. After that run the following commands:

go build
# bash
# cmd

Running Package Samples Locally

To run package samples on a local machine you should navigate to the Gantt root folder, install the necessary dependencies and start a development server as:

// navigate to the root folder
cd gantt
// install dependencies
yarn install //or npm install
// start dev server
yarn server //or npm run server
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