
moves the specified item to a new position

string move(string sid,number tindex, [object tobj,object details] );
sidstringthe ID of the item to move
tindexnumbera new position of the item (a new index)
tobjobjectthe object that the item is moved to
detailsobjectextra parameters for moving
stringa new item ID


// moving in the same list
$$("list").move("a12", 0);
$$("list").move("a13", -1);
// moves an item to a different list
var id = $$("list").move("a13", 0, $$("list2"), {newId:"b13"});


The details object can contain the following properties:

details = {};
details.newId = "123"; // a new ID for the moved item

Note that in case newId is not defined, the new ID will be the same as the ID of the source item (sid).

See also
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