
add adds an item to the store
addCellCss adds a css class to the cell
addCss applied CSS class to a component item
addRowCss adds a css class to the row
addSelectArea adds a select area
addSpan adds a colspan or a rowspan to the datatable
adjust adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container
adjustColumn adjusts a column to the width of the content
adjustRowHeight adjusts row height to cell content
attachEvent attaches the handler to an inner event of the component
bind binds components
blockEvent temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object
callEvent calls an inner event
clearAll removes all items from the component
clearCss removes CSS class from all items
clearValidation removes all validation marks from the component
closeSub closes a subrow or a subview for an item with the given id
collectValues returns an array of unique values of the specified column
columnId returns the id of the column at the specified index
copy copies an item to the same or another object
count returns the number of currently visible items
define redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties)
destructor destructs the calling object
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method)
disable disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable)
eachColumn iterates over all visible columns in the table
eachRow iterates over all rows in the table
edit enables the edit mode for the specified item
editCancel cancels the edit mode and closes all opened editors. The component remains editable.
editCell enables the edit mode for the specified cell
editColumn enables the edit mode for the specified column
editNext closes the current editor and opens one in the next cell of the row
editRow enables the edit mode for the specified row
editStop stops the edit mode and closes all opened editors. The component remains editable.
enable enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method
exists checks whether an item with the specified ID exists
filter filters the component
filterByAll refilters DataTable by all specified filters
find returns all rows that match the criterion, or only the first one
focusEditor moves focus to the active editor
freezeRow fixes a row at the top of the datatable at runtime
getAllSelectAreas returns an object that contains configuration objects of all select areas in the datatable
getChildViews returns child views of the calling component
getColumnConfig returns the configuration object of the specified column
getColumnIndex returns the index of the column with the specified id
getColumns returns an array of columns
getCss returns the className of a cell
getEditState returns info about active editor object
getEditor returns an editor object
getEditorValue returns the value of the active (currently open) editor
getFilter returns the filter object that is used to filter the values of the specified column
getFirstId returns the ID of the first item
getFooterNode returns an HTML element of the column footer
getFormView returns master form for the input
getHeaderContent returns a set of helpers for header content manipulation
getHeaderNode returns an HTML element of the column header
getIdByIndex returns the ID of the item with the specified index
getIndexById returns the index of the item with the specified ID
getItem gets the object of the data item with the specified ID
getItemNode returns HTML element of the item
getLastId returns the ID of the last item
getNextId returns the ID of an item that is after the specified item, either directly after or after a number of items (defined by the step)
getNode returns the main HTML container for the calling object
getPage returns the currently visible page in case of paged view
getPager returns the pager object associated with the component
getParentView returns the parent view of the component
getPrevId returns the ID of an item that is before the specified item, either directly before or before a number of items (defined by the step)
getScrollState returns the current position of scrolls
getSelectArea returns the object of the select area
getSelectedId returns the selected elements ids
getSelectedItem gets an object of the selected data item
getSheets gets the names of all sheets shown in the viewer
getSpan returns the config array for a span or null, if there are no spans
getSpanNode returns the HTML element of a spanned cell
getState returns the current state of the view
getSubView returns the subview of the item with the given id
getText returns the text value of a cell
getTopParentView returns the top parent view
getVisibleCount counts visible rows
group groups data by the specified data property
hasCss checks if item has specific css class
hasEvent checks whether the component has the specified event handler
hide hides the view
hideColumn hides the specified column
hideOverlay hides the previously defined overlay
isColumnVisible returns false if the column is hidden
isEnabled checks whether the view is enabled
isVisible checks whether the view is visible
load loads data from an external data source
loadNext sends a request to load the specified number of records to the end of the client-side dataset or to the specified position
locate converts an HTML node or event object to in-table position
mapCells applies the callback to a range of cells
mapEvent routes events from one object to another
markSorting marks the sorted column with arrow (asc/desc) in the header
move moves the specified item to a new position
moveBottom moves the specified item to the last position
moveColumn moves a column to different position
moveDown increases the item index and moves the item to the new position
moveSelection moves selection in the specified direction
moveTop moves the specified item to the first position
moveUp decreases the item index and moves the item to the new position
openSub opens a subrow or subview for an item with the given id
parse loads data to the component from an inline data source
queryView returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters
refresh repaints the whole view or a certain item
refreshColumns refreshes the structure of DataTable
refreshFilter rebuilds the list of options in the select filter
refreshSelectArea refreshes the selected area in the DataTable
registerFilter adds an external filter for a particular column or data field
remove removes the specified item/items from datastore
removeCellCss removes a css class from the cell of datatable
removeCss removes CSS class from a component item
removeRowCss removes a css class from the row
removeSelectArea removes a select area
removeSpan removes a rowspan/colspan from the datatable
render renders the specified item or the whole component
resize adjusts the view to a new size
resizeSubView adjusts the row size to the size of a subview
scrollTo scrolls the view to the defined position
serialize serializes data to an array of JSON objects
setColumnWidth sets the width of the specified column
setPage makes the specified page visible (assuming that the pager was defined )
setRowHeight sets the height of the specified row
setState restores the specified state
show makes the component visible
showCell scrolls the table (if needed) to make the specified cell visible
showColumn shows the column that was previously hidden by method 'hideColumn'
showColumnBatch shows or hides a group of columns
showItem scrolls the table to make the specified row visible
showItemByIndex scrolls the table to make the specified row visible
showOverlay shows the overlay message over the body of DataTable
showSheet switches to the specified sheet
sort sorts datastore
sync allows syncing two copies of data (all or just a part of it) from one DataCollection to another
unbind breaks "bind" link
unblockEvent cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command
ungroup ungroups data
updateItem updates the data item with new properties
validate validates one record or all dataset against the validation rules
validateEditor validates data in currently active editor
waitSave allows to catch the moment when a data operation was saved to the server
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