View-less component that stores a collection of hierarchical data.
add | adds an item to the store |
addBind | adds one more bound target |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of the component |
bind | binds components |
blockEvent | temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
clearAll | removes all items from the component |
clearValidation | removes all validation marks from the component |
copy | copies an item to the same or another object |
count | returns the number of currently visible items |
define | redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties) |
destructor | destructs the calling object |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method) |
exists | checks whether an item with the specified ID exists |
filter | filters the component |
find | returns all rows that match the criterion, or only the first one |
getBindData | fills the target object with data |
getBranchIndex | gets index of the node in a specific branch |
getCursor | returns the current cursor position. |
getFirstChildId | gets the ID of the first child of the specified branch |
getFirstId | returns the ID of the first item |
getIdByIndex | returns the ID of the item with the specified index |
getIndexById | returns the index of the item with the specified ID |
getItem | gets the object of the data item with the specified ID |
getLastId | returns the ID of the last item |
getNextId | returns the ID of an item that is after the specified item, either directly after or after a number of items (defined by the step) |
getNextSiblingId | returns the ID of the next sibling of the specified node |
getParentId | get the ID of the parent node of the specified item |
getPrevId | returns the ID of an item that is before the specified item, either directly before or before a number of items (defined by the step) |
getPrevSiblingId | returns the id of the previous sibling of the specified node |
hasEvent | checks whether the component has the specified event handler |
isBranch | checks whether the node has any children |
isVisible | returns true if current view is visible |
load | loads data from an external data source |
loadBranch | loads data to the specified branch, as direct children of the node with the ID provided |
loadNext | sends a request to load the specified number of records to the end of the client-side dataset or to the specified position |
mapEvent | routes events from one object to another |
move | moves the specified item to a new position |
moveBottom | moves the specified item to the last position |
moveTop | moves the specified item to the first position |
parse | loads data to the component from an inline data source |
refresh | repaints the whole view or a certain item |
refreshCursor | force repainting of all bound components with current cursor value |
remove | removes the specified item/items from datastore |
removeBind | disables data binding |
saveBatch | makes simultaneous saving of several components |
serialize | serializes data to an array of JSON objects |
setBindData | moves data from master to child |
setCursor | sets the position of the cursor |
sort | sorts datastore |
sync | allows syncing two copies of data (all or just a part of it) from one DataCollection to another |
unbind | breaks "bind" link |
unblockEvent | cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command |
updateItem | updates the data item with new properties |
validate | validates one record or all dataset against the validation rules |
waitSave | allows to catch the moment when a data operation was saved to the server |
onAfterAdd | fires after adding an item to the datastore |
onAfterCursorChange | fires after the cursor changes its position. |
onAfterDelete | fires after an item is removed |
onAfterLoad | fires after data loading is complete |
onAfterSort | fires after sorting dataset |
onBeforeAdd | fires before adding an item to the datastore |
onBeforeCursorChange | fires before the cursor changes its position. |
onBeforeDelete | fires before an item is removed |
onBeforeLoad | fires immediately before data loading has started |
onBeforeSort | fires before sorting of the dataset |
onBindRequest | fires when the component is ready to receive data from the master component |
onBindUpdate | fires when data is changed in the slave and 'save()' is called to update the master. |
onDataRequest | fires when data from the server is requested for linear data structures (List, DataTable, DataView etc.) to implement dynamic data loading |
onDataUpdate | fires when a data item is being updated |
onDestruct | occurs when component destroyed |
onLoadError | fires when an error occurs during data loading (invalid server side response) |
onValidationError | fires when newly loaded/added/edited data fail to pass validation |
onValidationSuccess | fires after the newlyloaded/added/edited data has passes validation successfully |
data | JavaScript array containing data for the component |
datathrottle | sets the polling interval (the time period between the completion of a network request and the next request for data) |
datatype | the type of loaded data |
defaultData | the property stores data which is displayed in the slave when no records are selected in the master |
externalData | allows defining custom 'move' logic for the component. |
filterMode | defines the pattern for tree item filtering |
id | the ID of a widget |
map | defines data mapping |
on | allows attaching custom handlers to inner events of the component |
ready | the event handler is called just after the component has been completely initialized |
removeMissed | defines how to treat items in case of reloading |
rules | set of validation rules for the component |
save | defines URLs for data saving |
scheme | defines schemes for data processing |
url | the URL which the component will use to load data after its initialization |