
Interface which adds ability to drag items for components with datastore inside.

onAfterDrop fires after drag-n-drop was finished
onBeforeDrag fires before the mouse button is pressed and the cursor is moved over a draggable item
onBeforeDragIn fires before a dragged element is moved over the droppable area
onBeforeDrop fires before a dragged element is released over the droppable area
onBeforeDropOut fires before a dragged element is released over the droppable area outside the source widget
onDragOut fires when a dragged element is moved outside of the droppable area
drag enables or disables drag-and-drop
dragscroll enables autoscroll of the component during drag-n-drop
prerender invokes the full rendering of data
$drag the method is called when a drag operation is initiated
$dragHTML defines how a dragged item will look
$dragIn the method is called when an item is moved into a possible drop landing during dnd
$dragMark called during drag-n-drop, when some item of the component should be marked as an active drop target
$dragOut the method is called when an item is moved out of a possible drop landing during dnd
$drop the method is called when an item is dragged and dropped on a valid target
$dropAllow can be redefined, if you need custom drop rules
$dropHTML defines how the drop area will look before drop
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