
the default labels of the DoubleList widget

object dbllist;


webix.i18n.dbllist = {
    selectAll: "<span class='webix_icon fa-angle-double-right'></span>",
    selectOne: "<span class='webix_icon fa-angle-right'></span>",
    deselectAll: "<span class='webix_icon fa-angle-double-left'></span>",
    deselectOne: "<span class='webix_icon fa-angle-left'></span>",

  • selectAll - the label of the button that selects all items
  • selectOne - the label of the button that selects one item
  • deselectAll - the label of the button that deselects all selected items
  • deselectOne - the label of the button that deselects one of the selected item

You need to call the setLocale method to apply the new format settings

See also
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