Starting from Webix 8.0 the widget is deprecated. Use a more powerful alternative - the Scheduler.
You can redefine any content in the scheduler in the following way:
scheduler.templates.day_event = function(obj,type){
return obj.text;
There is a set of templates that can be used to change the display of dates and titles.
Beware! The templates' definitions should go before the code line with scheduler initialization.
Below you can find the list of all available templates and their default definitions.
Available templates:
Specifies an event in the 'Day' view.
scheduler.templates.day_event = function(obj,type){
return obj.text;
The template for events in the multi-day list of the "Day" view.
scheduler.templates.multi_day_event = function(obj,type){
return obj.text;
Specifies a CSS class for events in the 'Day' view.
scheduler.templates.day_event_style = function(obj){
var style = "";
var rgb = webix.color.toRgb(obj.color);
style += ";border-color:"+obj.color+";";
style += "background-color:rgba("+rgb.toString()+",0.3);";
var hsv = webix.color.rgbToHsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]);
hsv[2] /= 1.6;
var color = "rgb("+webix.color.hsvToRgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2])+")";
style += "color:"+color;
return style;
Specifies a css class for multi-day events in the "Day" view
scheduler.templates.multi_day_event_style = function(obj){
var style = "";
var rgb = webix.color.toRgb(obj.color);
style += ";background-color:rgba("+rgb.toString()+",0.3);";
var hsv = webix.color.rgbToHsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]);
hsv[2] /= 1.6;
var color = "rgb("+webix.color.hsvToRgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2])+")";
style += "color:"+color;
return style;
Specifies the title of the "Week" view.
scheduler.templates.week_title = function(date){
var start = webix.Date.weekStart(date);
var end = webix.Date.add(start,6,"day",true);
var format = webix.i18n.headerWeekFormatStr;
return format(start)+" - "+format(end);
Specifies an additional CSS class that will be applied to events in the lists of the 'Week' and 'Month' views.
//The template doesn't have the default definition.
//Below you can find a usage example that illustrates
//how to highlight the text of the TODAY's events
.today .webix_event_text{
color:red !important;
scheduler.templates.event_class = function(obj, type){
return (webix.Date.datePart(obj.start_date).valueOf()==
webix.Date.datePart(new Date()).valueOf())?"today":""
Specifies the content of day headers in the "Week" view
scheduler.templates.event_date = function(value){
var date = webix.Date.datePart(new Date(value));
var today = webix.Date.datePart(new Date());
var className = ((date.valueOf() == today.valueOf())?" today":"");
date = webix.i18n.weekDateFormatStr(date);
return "<span class='webix_unit_header_inner"+className+"'>"+date+"</span>";
Specifies a marker in the 'Week' and 'Month' views.
For details on the parameter see the API article "type"
scheduler.templates.event_marker = function(obj,type){
var style = "";
var rgb = webix.color.toRgb(obj.color);
style += ";border-color:"+obj.color+";";
style += "background-color:rgba("+rgb.toString()+",0.9);";
return "<div class='webix_event_marker' ><div style='"+style+"'></div></div>";
The content of the time part of event items in the "Week" and "Month" views.
scheduler.templates.event_time = function(obj){
var start = obj.start_date,
end = obj.end_date,
start0 = webix.Date.datePart(start,true).valueOf(),
end0 = webix.Date.datePart(end,true).valueOf();
if( start0 == start.valueOf() && end0 == end.valueOf())
return scheduler.locale.labels.label_allday;
return webix.i18n.timeFormatStr(start);
Specifies the content of an event item in the 'Week' view.
For details on the parameter see the API article "type"
scheduler.templates.event_title = function(obj,type){
var className, html, time;
time = scheduler.templates.event_time(obj);
html = "<div class='webix_event_time'>"+time+"</div>";
html += type.marker(obj,type);
html += "<div class='webix_event_text'>"+obj.text+"</div>";
className = scheduler.templates.event_class(obj,type);
return "<div class='webix_event_overall "+className+"'>"+html+"</div>";
Specifies the content of an event item in the "Month" view
scheduler.templates.month_event_title = function(obj,type){
var className, html, time;
time = scheduler.templates.event_time(obj);
html = "<div class='webix_event_time'>"+time+"</div>";
html += type.marker(obj,type);
html += "<div class='webix_event_text'>"+obj.text+"</div>";
className = scheduler.templates.event_class(obj,type);
return "<div class='webix_event_overall "+className+"'>"+html+"</div>";
The template for days with events in the 'Month' view.
scheduler.templates.calendar_event = function(day){
var html = "<div class='webix_cal_day_event'>"+day.getDate()+"</div>";
html += "<div class='webix_cal_event_marker'></div>";
return html;
Specifies the default event properties. Used when a user creates new events.
scheduler.templates.new_event_data= function(){
var hours = (webix.Date.add(new Date(),1,"hour",true)).getHours();
//coreData refers to the currently selected date
var start = webix.Date.copy(this.coreData.getValue());
var end = webix.Date.add(start,1,"hour",true);
return {start_date:start,end_date:end};
The template for an event in the "Selected Event" view.
scheduler.templates.selected_event : function(obj){
var html = "", fts="", fte="", from, to, labels;
var start = obj.start_date,
end = obj.end_date,
start0 = webix.Date.datePart(start,true),
end0 = webix.Date.datePart(end,true);
if(!start) return html;
html = "<div class='selected_event "+scheduler.templates.event_class(obj)+"'>";
html += "<div class='event_title'>"+obj.text+"</div>";
labels = scheduler.locale.labels;
from = labels.label_from;
to = labels.label_to;
if(start0.valueOf() == end0.valueOf()){
var fd = webix.i18n.dateFormatStr(start);
fts = webix.i18n.timeFormatStr(start);
fte = webix.i18n.timeFormatStr(end);
html += "<div class='event_text'>"+fd+"</div>";
html += "<div class='event_text'>"+from+" "+fts+" "+to+" "+fte+"</div>";
var fds = webix.i18n.longDateFormatStr(start);
var fde = webix.i18n.longDateFormatStr(end);
/*if not "all-day" event*/
if(!(start0.valueOf() == start.valueOf() && end0.valueOf() == end.valueOf())){
fts = webix.i18n.timeFormatStr(start)+" ";
fte = webix.i18n.timeFormatStr(end)+" ";
html += "<div class='event_text'>"+from+" "+fts+fds+"</div>";
html += "<div class='event_text'>"+to+" "+fte+fde+"</div>";
if(obj.details&&obj.details !== ""){
html += "<div class='event_title'>"+labels.label_details+"</div>";
html += "<div class='event_text'>"+obj.details+"</div>";
html += "</div>";
return html;
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