
moves selection in the specified direction

void moveSelection(string direction);
directionstringthe move direction




The method can take only one value from the predefined set.
The predefined values are:

  • "top" - the selection is moved to the first item of the datatable (cell, row, column modes)
  • "bottom" - the selection is moved to the last item of the datatable (cell, row, column modes)
  • "up" - the selection is moved one row up (cell and row selection modes)
  • "down" - the selection is moved one row down (cell and row selection modes)
  • "right" - the selection is moved one column right (cell and column selection modes)
  • "left" - the selection is moved one column left (cell and column selection modes)
  • "pgup" - the selection is moved to the first item of the previous page (cell, row, column modes, if a pager is used in the datatable)
  • "pgdown" - the selection is moved to the first item of the next page ((cell, row, column modes, if a pager is used in the datatable)
See also
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