add | adds an item to the store |
addCellCss | adds a css class to the cell |
addCss | applied CSS class to a component item |
addRowCss | adds a css class to the row |
addSelectArea | adds a select area |
addSpan | adds a colspan or a rowspan to the datatable |
adjust | adjusts the component to the size of the parent HTML container |
adjustColumn | adjusts a column to the width of the content |
adjustRowHeight | adjusts row height to cell content |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of the component |
bind | binds components |
blockEvent | temporarily blocks triggering of ALL events of the calling object |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
clearAll | removes all items from the component |
clearCss | removes CSS class from all items |
clearSelection | clears selection |
clearValidation | removes all validation marks from the component |
closeSub | closes a subrow or a subview for an item with the given id |
collectValues | returns an array of unique values of the specified column |
columnId | returns the id of the column at the specified index |
copy | copies an item to the same or another object |
count | returns the number of currently visible items |
define | redefines a single configuration property (or a object with properties) |
destructor | destructs the calling object |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method) |
disable | disables the calling view (makes it dimmed and unclickable) |
eachColumn | iterates over all visible columns in the table |
eachRow | iterates over all rows in the table |
edit | enables the edit mode for the specified item |
editCancel | cancels the edit mode and closes all opened editors. The component remains editable. |
editCell | enables the edit mode for the specified cell |
editColumn | enables the edit mode for the specified column |
editNext | closes the current editor and opens one in the next cell of the row |
editRow | enables the edit mode for the specified row |
editStop | stops the edit mode and closes all opened editors. The component remains editable. |
enable | enables the calling view that was disabled by the 'disable' method |
exists | checks whether an item with the specified ID exists |
filter | filters the component |
filterByAll | refilters DataTable by all specified filters |
find | returns all rows that match the criterion, or only the first one |
focusEditor | moves focus to the active editor |
freezeRow | fixes a row at the top of the datatable at runtime |
getAllSelectAreas | returns an object that contains configuration objects of all select areas in the datatable |
getChildViews | returns child views of the calling component |
getColumnConfig | returns the configuration object of the specified column |
getColumnIndex | returns the index of the column with the specified id |
getColumns | returns an array of columns |
getCss | returns the className of a cell |
getEditState | returns info about active editor object |
getEditor | returns an editor object |
getEditorValue | returns the value of the active (currently open) editor |
getFilter | returns the filter object that is used to filter the values of the specified column |
getFirstId | returns the ID of the first item |
getFooterNode | returns an HTML element of the column footer |
getFormView | returns master form for the input |
getHeaderContent | returns a set of helpers for header content manipulation |
getHeaderNode | returns an HTML element of the column header |
getIdByIndex | returns the ID of the item with the specified index |
getIndexById | returns the index of the item with the specified ID |
getItem | gets the object of the data item with the specified ID |
getItemNode | returns HTML element of the item |
getLastId | returns the ID of the last item |
getNextId | returns the ID of an item that is after the specified item, either directly after or after a number of items (defined by the step) |
getNode | returns the main HTML container for the calling object |
getPage | returns the currently visible page in case of paged view |
getPager | returns the pager object associated with the component |
getParentView | returns the parent view of the component |
getPrevId | returns the ID of an item that is before the specified item, either directly before or before a number of items (defined by the step) |
getScrollState | returns the current position of scrolls |
getSelectArea | returns the object of the select area |
getSelectedId | returns the selected elements ids |
getSelectedItem | gets an object of the selected data item |
getSpan | returns the config array for a span or null, if there are no spans |
getSpanNode | returns the HTML element of a spanned cell |
getState | returns the current state of the view |
getSubView | returns the subview of the item with the given id |
getText | returns the text value of a cell |
getTopParentView | returns the top parent view |
getVisibleCount | counts visible rows |
group | groups data by the specified data property |
hasCss | checks if item has specific css class |
hasEvent | checks whether the component has the specified event handler |
hide | hides the view |
hideColumn | hides the specified column |
hideOverlay | hides the previously defined overlay |
ignoreUndo | calls a function that will be ignored in the undo history track |
isColumnVisible | returns false if the column is hidden |
isEnabled | checks whether the view is enabled |
isSelected | returns true if the related record is selected |
isVisible | checks whether the view is visible |
load | loads data from an external data source |
loadNext | sends a request to load the specified number of records to the end of the client-side dataset or to the specified position |
locate | converts an HTML node or event object to in-table position |
mapCells | applies the callback to a range of cells |
mapEvent | routes events from one object to another |
mapSelection | executes a method for all cells in the currently selected block |
markSorting | marks the sorted column with arrow (asc/desc) in the header |
move | moves the specified item to a new position |
moveBottom | moves the specified item to the last position |
moveColumn | moves a column to different position |
moveDown | increases the item index and moves the item to the new position |
moveSelection | moves selection in the specified direction |
moveTop | moves the specified item to the first position |
moveUp | decreases the item index and moves the item to the new position |
openSub | opens a subrow or subview for an item with the given id |
parse | loads data to the component from an inline data source |
queryView | returns inner element/elements of a widget that correspond(s) to the defined parameters |
refresh | repaints the whole view or a certain item |
refreshColumns | refreshes the structure of DataTable |
refreshFilter | rebuilds the list of options in the select filter |
refreshSelectArea | refreshes the selected area in the DataTable |
registerFilter | adds an external filter for a particular column or data field |
remove | removes the specified item/items from datastore |
removeCellCss | removes a css class from the cell of datatable |
removeCss | removes CSS class from a component item |
removeRowCss | removes a css class from the row |
removeSelectArea | removes a select area |
removeSpan | removes a rowspan/colspan from the datatable |
removeUndo | removes history about all the operations made to an item |
render | renders the specified item or the whole component |
resize | adjusts the view to a new size |
resizeSubView | adjusts the row size to the size of a subview |
scrollTo | scrolls the view to the defined position |
select | selects the specified element |
selectAll | selects all cells in the DataTable |
selectRange | selects the specified range of elements |
serialize | serializes data to an array of JSON objects |
setColumnWidth | sets the width of the specified column |
setPage | makes the specified page visible (assuming that the pager was defined ) |
setRowHeight | sets the height of the specified row |
setState | restores the specified state |
show | makes the component visible |
showCell | scrolls the table (if needed) to make the specified cell visible |
showColumn | shows the column that was previously hidden by method 'hideColumn' |
showColumnBatch | shows or hides a group of columns |
showItem | scrolls the table to make the specified row visible |
showItemByIndex | scrolls the table to make the specified row visible |
showOverlay | shows the overlay message over the body of DataTable |
sort | sorts datastore |
sync | allows syncing two copies of data (all or just a part of it) from one DataCollection to another |
unbind | breaks "bind" link |
unblockEvent | cancels events blocking that was enabled by the 'blockEvent' command |
undo | reverts the previously made change in the component |
ungroup | ungroups data |
unselect | cancels selection of the specified element |
unselectAll | unselects all selected cells in a datatable |
updateItem | updates the data item with new properties |
validate | validates one record or all dataset against the validation rules |
validateEditor | validates data in currently active editor |
waitSave | allows to catch the moment when a data operation was saved to the server |