
applies the callback to a range of cells

void mapCells(number startrow,string startcol,number numrows,number numcols,function callback,boolean getOnly);
startrownumberthe start row id
startcolstringthe start column id
numrowsnumberthe amount of rows
numcolsnumberthe amount of columns
callbackfunctionthe function calling for each cell in the specified range
getOnlybooleanif true, the callback will be applied to the range of cells, but will not change their values


grid.mapCells(1, "title", 3, 2, 
    function(value, row_id, column_id, row_ind, col_ind) {
        console.log(value, row_id, column_id, row_ind, col_ind);

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Parameters of the callback function are:

  • value - (string,number) the cell value
  • row_id - (string,number) the row id
  • column_id - (string,number) the column id
  • row_ind - (number) the row index of a cell within the selected block
  • col_ind - (number) the column index of a cell within the selected block

If startrow === null, mapping starts from the first row of the table. If startcol === null, mapping starts from the first column of the table. If numrows === null, the callback is applied to all rows, starting from the startrow. If numcols === null, the callback is applied to all columns, starting from the startcol.

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