
increases/decreases decimal places

void changeDecimals(number row,number column,number change, [string page] );
rownumberthe row ID
columnnumberthe column ID
changenumberthe number of decimal places to be added (if the number is positive) or deleted (if the number is negative)
pagestringoptional, the name of the sheet


// add 3 decimal places for the value of the cell C3 of Sheet1
$$("ss1").changeDecimals(3, 3, 3, "Sheet1");


The method also works for a range of cells. Use the parameters below:

  • first - (object) the row and column numbers of the first cell in a range
  • last - (object) the row and column numbers of the last cell in a range
  • change - (number) the number of decimal places to be added (if the number is positive) or deleted (if the number is negative)
  • page - (string) optional, the name of the sheet
// delete 2 decimal places for values of cells in the range C3:E5 of Sheet1
$$("ss1").changeDecimals({row:3, column:3}, {row:5, column:5}, -2, "Sheet1");
See also
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