
sets the height of the spreadsheet row

void setRowHeight(id|array id,number|string height, [string page] );
idid|arraythe row id or an array of ids
heightnumber|stringthe height in pixels or "auto"
pagestringoptional, the name of the sheet


$$("ssheet1").setRowHeight(rowId, 50, "Sheet1");


In order to adjust the row height to its content pass "auto" as the second parameter:

$$("ssheet1").setRowHeight(rowId, "auto");

Note that the height:"auto" setting will work for the active sheet only.

You can pass an array of ids as the first parameter like this:

$$("ssheet1").setRowHeight([3, 6], "auto");

In this case the rows from 3 to 6 will adjust their height to the content inside.

See also
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