Slider is designed for setting a numeric value from a predefined range of values. It's done by dragging a marker to the left and to the right over the value line.
Negative values are possible.
{ view:"slider", label:"Level", value:"20", min:10, max: 120, name:"s1"}
Related sample: Slider: Custom Step.
Note that if you set min and max parameters, the initial control value should be within their range.
Webix Slider can be both horizontal and vertical. The image below shows how vertical sliders look like:
To set the vertical mode, you need to specify the vertical attribute in the slider configuration object:
{ view:"slider", name:"s1", value:85, vertical:true}
Related sample: Vertical Slider
Slider title is based on the current value of the control.
For a simple title that displays the current value and a static text, set a template via the webix.template class:
{view:"slider", title:webix.template("Selected: #value#")}
For a complex title that changes its text depending on the current value, define a function template:
{view:"slider", title:function(obj){
//title for values over 20
var text = obj.value > 20 ? "Minimum level reached. " : "";
return text + "Value: "+ obj.value;} //title for other values
By default, the slider title is movable. You can change this behavior by setting the moveTitle property to false:
{view:"slider", title:webix.template("Selected: #value#"), moveTitle:false}
Related sample: Slider: Labels
Make use of slider events to set changing title for a drag marker:
{view:"slider", on:{
this.define("title", "Final value " + this.getValue());
this.define("title", "Dragging... Currently "+this.getValue());
Related sample: Slider: Labels
The new title is set with the help of the define method while the current value is derived with the getValue one.
Read more about Changing Properties of Components.
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