Version 10.3.x

This page contains the logs of minor releases between 10.3 and 11.

Version 10.3.2

PRO edition, released on September 13, 2024


  • DataTable: combination of resizeColumn and hover leads to errors if a column has HTML elements in the template
  • DataTable: refreshColumns() throws errors on columns with footer content
  • Area selection breaks when selecting a cell that is partially off-screen

SpreadSheet Fixes

  • Excel import: links (except HYPERLINK) are not imported

Version 10.3.1

PRO and GPL editions, released on August 30, 2024


  • suggest in Combo stays hidden when user is typing after selecting a value (regression)

Scheduler Fixes

  • programmatic change of selection fails and breaks compact Scheduler

SpreadSheet Fixes

  • style is not exported properly for merged cells
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