Version 7.2.x
This page contains the logs of minor releases between 7.2 and 7.3.
Version 7.2.7
PRO edition, released on April 16, 2020
- incorrect clearing of RangeChart events
- Filter in "date" mode cannot unfilter its values
Spreadsheet Fixes
- adjusting width of index column
File Manager Fixes
- ability to customize initial view in Double mode
- simplify icon styling
- incorrect file preview after navigating to parent folder
- incorrect preview after deleting a file
- different rename icon
- restore selection in UI after files data refresh
Version 7.2.6
PRO edition, released on April 09, 2020
- IE11 support regression for Toggle and Filter
- Tabview cells cannot be opened in a fullscreen mode
Spreadsheet Fixes
- minColumnWidth increased
- column auto-adjusting issues
File Manager Fixes
- setting custom initial path resulted in error
- ext helper moved to files scheme
- download any file by clicking the Download icon
- localization for root name
- getRootId method instead of static id
Version 7.2.5
PRO edition, released on April 02, 2020
- Excel filter position in Datatable header
- Excel filter destroys synced Datacollection
- Excel filter does not apply when refreshing Datatable
- Excel filter corrupts Datatable header text during export
- Excel filter fails if the first input is "none"
- corrections for German locale in PDF Viewer
- generate auto ids for Datatable columns within remote data
- Sidebar and multiple selection: single mode only
- ability to use radar Chart without X axis
- inputs with text pattern ignore "CapsLock" key
Spreadsheet Fixes
- lock icon is misaligned
- header selection with hidden columns
- headers are highlighted during DnD selection
File Manager Fixes
- impossible to override a context menu in Cards view
- missing locale labels for progress headers
- move requests are sent when dragging to an empty space in Tree
- save button icon of editor is misaligned
- overriding Editor view
Version 7.2.4
PRO edition, released on March 26, 2020
- align Datatable and CustomScroll to current skin row sizes
- customized cell editors cannot apply new values
- color editor cannot apply new value
Spreadsheet Fixes
- local styles interfere with outside Datatable and Button components
- correct line-height for small cells
- cell line-height becomes middle to match default Datatable cell style
- column autosize with wrapped cells
- cell filter expands hidden rows
- string dates are parsed initally
- date-like value with text format is parsed when setting common format
File Manager Fixes
- preview icon alignment
- context menu for multiple items
- after deleting a file it is still selected
- ability to reload folders
- modes selector shows an incorrect mode after searching
- ambiguous multiple selection in Double mode
- deny editing of binary files
- exclude "Back to parent" element from files serialization
- drop selection if moving to another directory via Tree
Version 7.2.3
PRO edition, released on March 19, 2020
- simplify built-in editors logic
Spreadsheet Updates
- setCellFilter method can work with range or array
- getCellFilter method to access filter
Spreadsheet Fixes
- date with text format
- incorrect month identifying within date formats
- date format fails in case of "excel_date" editor during parsing
- undo for date formulas
- undo for Excel filer
- correct copy-paste operations with filter
- Excel filter and spans
File Manager Fixes
- wrong tooltip for Download icon
- path control rendered directory IDs instead of values
- overriding menu classes before view creation
- adding "back to parent" label regardless of backend response
Version 7.2.2
PRO edition, released on March 12, 2020
- non-existent font mentions
- correct width for Segmented options
- Datatable: touch scroll issue
Spreadsheet Fixes
- export of formulas to Excel
- export bold/italic/underline styles
- caching multi-sheet math formulas
Version 7.2.1
PRO edition, released on March 05, 2020
- PDF viewer navigation to zero page
- ColorBoard onItemClick event does not fire for selected cells
Spreadsheet Fixes
- remove all related views on destruction
- the correct CSS for styles with font weight
- the correct sheet name max width in the bottom bar
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