Version 8.2.x
This page contains the logs of minor releases between 8.2 and 8.3.
Version 8.2.4
PRO edition, released on April 9, 2021
Scheduler Updates
Gantt Updates
- Combo: onChange event fires twice on value suggestion
- StackedBar Chart: correct rendering of negative values
- Chart: incorrect rendering if origin is not multiple to step
- Form setValues receives wrong parameters sometimes
- Slider does not respect min/max values on initialization
- Datepicker reverts its value after clearing with clear icon
- Search: onSearchIconClick is not called for compound icon names
Scheduler Fixes
- multiday event section in "day" mode does not render if there are more than 3 events
- backend optimization: storing end of series outside of recurring pattern string
Gantt Fixes
- toggling critical path with active resource diagram results in an error
Spreadsheet Fixes
- incorrect parsing of some operators in formulas
Version 8.2.3
PRO edition, released on March 29, 2021
Report Manager Updates
- sample of editing/saving report data by API
- Excel filter: date values disappear after filtering
Gantt Fixes
- regression with links painting
Spreadsheet Fixes
- highlighting index columns on row selecting
- toolchain for working with math module
Version 8.2.2
PRO edition, released on March 19, 2021
Gantt Updates
- ability to switch off links
- customization sample for workload in percent
- customization sample for employees working part-time
- Chart: circle legend marker on iOS
- Dataview: items count for different view sizes
- Datatable: resizing rows/columns triggers selection
Report Manager Fixes
- loading empty queries
- treat columns as "text" by default during search
- search by a substring in any position
Gantt Fixes
- progress bar is shown by any Operations method call
- first update of parent task data results in error while grouping Diagram data
Version 8.2.1
PRO edition, released on March 12, 2021
- refresh Datatable once after clearing selection
- Datatable eachColumn method: iterate columns in the current order
- Inputs: "clear" icon is not found in custom builds
- Datatable resize regression: correct get node class name
Report Manager Fixes
- localization of column filter options
- renaming grouped columns
- styles of a select box for grouped columns in different skins
- setting text filter for table reports
Scheduler Fixes
- live validation in compact mode
- regression with cloned events when adding a new event with an opened form
- sending unnecessary data values to backend while editing recurring events
- regression in weekly pattern set via selector in form
Gantt Fixes
- setting state.treeWidth via config
- multiple links re-rendering
- updating assignments in Info
- excluding holidays in Diagram
- Diagram spoils local assignments data
Spreadsheet Fixes
- regressions with setting filters and hyperlinks for cells
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